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Table 6.3: List of data sources and           been  presented  the  Table  of  LIF  Data  Availability  in
               number of data points identified for LIF         Field,
         Sl.No.   Area                         Number of        Annexure-I, Table 15. Both these, need to be completed
                                                                in  MoPR and  with  States as  part  of  the  further  work  in
                                               Data Points
                                                                taking PDI to the field.
         1.       Forest                            2           The  data  points  to  be  collected  from  the  14  different
                                                                sources  were,  at  the  time  data  collection  commenced,
         2.       Animal Husbandry                  26
                                                                identified  as  686.  Through  a  couple  of  rounds,  &  some
         3.       Agriculture                       23          time, this being the first time such an exercise has been
                                                                done, the Maharashtra Team, collected all the data. With a
         4.       Banking                           4           revision to the LIF, the number of data points changed to
                                                                688, which were additionally collected seperately. These
         5.       Education                         46          are from GP as data source. This is proof enough of the
                                                                fact  that  there  is  data  available  in  the  Gram  Panchayat
         6.       Gram Panchayat                   361
                                                                (most  with  the  government  agency  responsible  for  the
         7.       Mahatma Gandhi NREGS              4           sector). So, from being limited by indicators that can be
                                                                obtained  from  Government  data  portals  that  have  them
         8.       Health                            68          available  at  Gram  Panchayat  level,  we  can  get
                                                                administrative data that is available, from the same field
         9.       Home Affairs                      29          source,  which  is  only  partly  seen  at  Gram  Panchayat
                                                                level,for  which  APIs  are  to  be  established,  by  the
         10.      Public Distribution System        9
                                                                Department/Ministry,  considering  that  most  Ministries
         11.      Revenue                           28          had  facility  wise  data,  departmental  functional  structure
                                                                wise data, i.e. school level, Area supervisor level for all
         12.      Self Help Groups                  8           schools  in  the  designated  area,  Block  Education  Officer
                                                                and District Education Officer, for schools, similarly for
         13.      Water Supply                      10          PHC/sub-centre  having  total  service  area  data;

         14.      Women and Child                   68

                  Total                            686

         the  country)  or  for  Gram  Panchayat  data  in  terms  of
         household profile, infrastructure, finance etc. It was very
         interesting to see that maximum data points (361), are to
         be collected from the Gram Panchayat itself. This led to 3
         data  entry  formats-  GP  1,  GP  2  &  GP  3  for  the
         Maharashtra  Team  to  collect  the  data.  Consequently,
         registers  of  the  Gram  Panchayat  and  data  in  the  Gram
         Panchayat  can  be  fully  correlated  to  eGramSwaraj,  MA
         survey and VPRP data collection to that already available
         and  balance  to  be  collected  without  duplication  and
         furthering  standardisation  and  data  sharing.  The
         information on this that has been provided by Ministry of
         Panchayati  Raj  to  the  Committee  has  been  given  in
         Annexure-I  Table-18,  Table-21,  Table-22  and  Table-23.
         Further, actual source and location of availability of Field
         Data has  been  noted  by the  Maharashtra Team,  and has

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