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The  sample  list  of  such  data  points/indicators  under   Gram  Panchayat,  Block,  District  &  State  level  may  be
         different Themes is given below.                       used with these 30 Gram Panchayats to have a look and
                                                                use  it  for  their  purposes  after  verifying  their  data  once
         The impact of these errors in a total of 688 data points and
         577 indicators in no way undermines the Proof of Concept   more, especially where they have a doubt or plan to work
         &  calculating  indicator  values,  Thematic  scores  and   using  it,  perhaps  through  their  Committees  for  the  9
         arriving  at  the  PDI  which  are  all  doable  and  a  good   Themes, and use it in the GPDP or other sectoral plans.
         reflection  of  the  development  status  on  different   They can certainly pitch their issues better or address the
         parameters in the Gram Panchayats. However, it is better   ones  not  addressed.  In  view  of  the  limited  number  of
         to put in place a proper mechanism of collection of data   Gram  Panchayats  within  a  Block,  best  score  is  from
         through survey, that which is not available in any record   amongst them. It may be taken by them to be indicative of
         presently,  or  that  which  needs  better  estimation   there being higher scores achievable. They may also like
         mechanism  than  what  is  available.  Development  of  a   to interact and see how they too can do better.
         standardised effective survey app needs to be considered.   And, these GPs can always find that their efforts have led
                                                                to the Proof of Concept, for enabling adoption of PDI at
         The question may arise that the PDI is all within a range
         of 49-62 and this then means that the rural landscape is   National level.
         quite  well  developed,  and there  isn’t  much  need for the   Calculations
         PDI, as it is not that any GP is at the level below 40, in the   All  Calculations  can  be  seen  at  Annexure  IV  PoC
         range of 20s or 30s. Couple of points in this need to be   Annexure-D. Given here is the methodology in brief and
         kept in perspective while reading the PDI score – the data   the  samples  of  the  values  of  the  Indicators  of  Theme  1
         is for 30 GPs, who have been identified for their ability to   Poverty Free an Enhanced Livelihoods Village, the scores
         do this work in uncharted territory, for the whole country,   of  Themes,  PDI  at  GP  level,  Block/  District  level  and
         and their choice has been made because of their capacity;   State Level. Further some key presentation of the scores is
         couple of the GPs have OSR of a crore and up to Rs 2.53   also  made.  Findings  and  interpretation,  are  given  in  the
         crores; but there are also GPs with Rs.1-5 lakh OSR, and   next part of the Chapter.
         in between. But data has shown that the higher OSR does
         not  reflect  in  higher  PDI.  The  goal  is  not  to  be  in  the   Types of indicators: Indicators are classified into three
         range  of  50-60  in  development  index,  the  layers  of   types  based  on  their  response  and  calculation
         Themes and Indicators provide a larger spread to identify   methodology.
         and work on.                                              i.  Multiplier  indicators-  Indicators  having  multiplier
                                                                     value like 100, 1000 etc. e.g. Percentage of Works
         Data validation
                                                                     completed to the total number of works taken up by
         In the process of data collection to calculation of PDI, the
         validation of data values has not been done in a structured   Departments.
         manner. At most the values of a few indicators may not be   ii.  Binary  indicators-  Indicators  having  dichotomous
         correct. The likelihood of it being more as available in the   response  ‘Yes’  or  ‘No’.  e.g.  Whether  Progress  of
         registers or as recorded at the data source, or as in the data   works  &  Utilization  of  Fund  is  placed  in  Gram
         portal  is  quite  high,  for  there  is  no  reason  for  them  to   Sabha.
         doctor the figure, for there is no ranking, prize or benefit   iii. Absolute  indicators-  Indicators  having  absolute
         for  doing  so.  Data  validation  could  not  be  built  in  as  it   numbers  in  response.  E.g.  number  of  persons
         needs  for  greater  involvement  at  different  levels  and  is   trained  at  least  once  in  the  Govt  programme  and
         beyond the authority of the PDI committee.
                                                                     programmes conducted by others.
         Then the question may be – of what use was all this for   The summary of the indicators is mentioned in the below
         the GP and can they not use the calculated values? The   table:
         use of the Indicator values, Thematic scores, PDI score at
                       Table 6.5: Summary of binary and absolute indicators for each Theme at GP Level
                            Theme        Binary      Absolute Number      Percentage    Grand Total
                              T1            1               12               24             37

                              T2                            15                8             23
                              T3           38               21               26             85
                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                           87
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118