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Percenta  ge of   children   aged   under 5   years   who are   underwe  ight   33   43   97   0   89   99   97   100   100   96   100

                              Neonatal   mortalit  y rate   (per   1,000   live   births)   100   100   100   100   68   100   67   100   73   100   100
        Table: Sample showing normalization of positive and negative indicators under Theme 1- Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Panchayat

                             Under-  five   mortalit  y rate,   (per   1,000   live   births   100   100   100   0   0   0   0   100   0   100   100

                               Percenta  ge of   maternal   death to   live   birth   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100

                   Percenta  ge of   populati  on in age   group 15  -49 who   reported   sought   treatmen  t out of   total   populati  on in   that age   group   having   diabetes   17   100   100   50   11   0   100   28   100   14   42

            Percenta  ge of   children   age 12-  23   months   fully   vaccinat  ed with   BCG,   measles   and   three   doses   each of   polio   and DPT   or Penta   vaccine   (excludi  ng polio   vaccine   given at   birth)   88   100   100   100   89   100   100   100   100   60   100

                      Percenta  ge of   currentl  y   married   women   (15-49   years)   who use   any   modern   family   planning   methods   23   0   3   25   31   6   29   20   14   27   1

                    Percenta  ge of   Pregnan  t and   lactating   mothers   registere  d under   ICDS   out of   total   eligible   Pregnan  t and   lactating   mothers   100   100   100   100   89   100   100   100   0   100   100  Table 6.9: Sample showing normalization of positive and negative indicators under Theme 1  (

                         Percenta  ge of   ANC   registrat  ion in   1st   trimeste  r to total   ANC   registrat  ion   36   66   100   0   100   100   100   100   100   87   39

                 Percenta  ge of   women   aged 15-  49 years   with a   live   birth in   last one   year,   who   received   antenata  l care,   four   times or   more in   last 1   year   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

                      Percenta  ge of   births   attended   by   skilled   health   personn  el or   institutio  nal   delivery   (Period   1 year)   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100   100

                                    District                   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Pune   Sangali

                                    Block                      Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Haveli   Khandala

                                 Name of   Gram   panchay  at   Ashtapur   Donje   Gorhe   Bk   Khanapu  r   Kolvadi   Sashte   Lonikalb  hor   Manjari   kh   Phulgaon   Theur   Wadebol  hai   Asawali

                                    Sl.No.                                                                  91
                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept   3   4   5   6   7   8    9    10
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122