Page 118 - PDI_Report
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Step 4: Calculation based on Common Indicators and
         Specific indicators
                                                                AM= ∑Ii/ni
         In Theme 1, out of the 37 Indicators, 32 are common to   Where  Ii  are  the  normalized  indicators  under  a  specific
         all GPs. While 5 are specific to GPs where agriculture is   theme and ni is the total number of indicators under that
         the primary occupation. For example. The GPs calculation
         is based on whether or not the Specific indicators applies   theme.
         to it. If not, it has not been taken into consideration in the   This AM is considered as the Thematic score of the GPs.
         normalization, as well as for arriving at the total number   Based  on  the  above  the  Thematic  Scores  have  been
         of Indicators to be considered for the score of the GP.    arrived  at  for  the  9  Themes.  In  the  Table  below,  the

         Step 5: Formulation of theme-wise GP’s score           Thematic  scores  has  also  been  linked  to  the  Grades  for
                                                                better appreciation of the level.
         Arithmetic Mean (AM) of the indicator values has been
         used to estimate the Thematic score. The arithmetic mean
         is estimated using the following formula:

                       Table 6.10: Formulation of theme-wise Grades and Indicator Score Range for GPs

                                             Grades                         Score Range

                        Achiever                            A+              90 - 100

                        Front Runner                         A              75 - below 90

                        Performer                            B              60 - below 75

                        Aspirant                             C              40 - below 60

                        Beginner                             D              Below 40

                                               PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                       92
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