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Total  16  indicators  are  included  under  Water  Sufficient
                                                                Panchayat  theme.  To  transform  village  into  water  sufficient
                                                                village indicators like

                                                                (a)  Percentage  of  Functional  Household  Water  Tap
                                                                    connections (FHTC) with 55 LPCD;
                                                                (b)  Percentage  coverage  of  Water  supply  in  schools,

                                                                    Anganwadis and public institutions;
                                                                (c)  Whether  100%  testing  of  drinking  water  sources,  using
                                                                    FTK,  including  private  sources  and  sanitary  inspection  is
                                                                    done by Panchayat;

                                                                (d)  Whether the drinking water source is well maintained.  no
         (b)  Percentage  of  Pregnant  and  lactating  mothers  registered
                                                                    waste water enters into the source and well protected from
            under  ICDS  out  of  total  eligible  Pregnant  and  lactating
                                                                    any contamination;
            mothers- Child Survival;
                                                                (e)  Percentage  Availability  of  toilets  in  Anganwadis  (child
         (c)  Percentage  of  children  (0-3  years)  with  disabilities
                                                                    friendly toilets);
            receiving Early Childhood Intervention- Child Survival;
                                                                (f)  Percentage of community and institutional toilets having a
         (d)  Percentage of children under age 5 years who are wasted-
                                                                    toilet designed for divyang (disabled);
            Child Survival,
                                                                (g)  Percentage  of  HH  having  grey  water  discharge  facility  at
         (e)  Percentage  of  children  between  ages  3-6  years  receiving
                                                                    HH level or connected to grey water drainage line;
            some  form  of  formal  pre-school  education  or  early
            childhood care in AWC - Child Development;          (h)  Whether the VWSC is functional in the GP etc.

         (f)  Transition Rate (Primary) - Child Development;    are  included  in  theme  4  to  assess  the  efforts  taken  by  Gram
                                                                Panchayat through local planning.
         (g)  Drop-out rate (Primary) - Child Development etc.
                                                                Theme -5 Clean and Green Panchayat
         are  mapped  with  different  activities  to  develop  local  action

         points for the Panchayat for ensuring Child Friendly Village.
         Theme - 4 Water-Sufficient Panchayat

                                                                Total  22  indicators  are  included  in  this  theme  for  the
                                                                preparation of thematic GPDP. Indicators like

                                                                (a)  Percentage of functional IHHL Toilets;

                                                                (b)  Percentage  availability  of  toilets  separately  for  men  and
                                                                    women at public buildings, and markets;

                                           PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework                  26
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