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(h)  Number  of  unemployed  persons  in  the  age  group  15-24   pivotal to measure the progress in this regard through a set of
            who are neither in employment /training / Education etc.    relevant local indicators like

         to achieve leaving no one behind through creating a protective
         environment  for  all  round  development  of  disadvantaged,
         marginalized sections of society.

         Theme -8 Panchayat with Good Governance
         Total  10  local  indicators  are  included  in  this  theme  for  the
         delivery of good governance. Under this theme, local indicators
         are  designed  for  ensuring  accountability,  transparency  and
         inclusive  development  through  5  T’s  pillars:  Teamwork,
         Technology;  Transparency;  Timeline  and  Transformation.

                                                                (a)  Percentage  of  pregnant  and  lactating  mothers  who  are
                                                                (b)  Percentage of girl Children under 5 years who are anemic

                                                                (c)  Percentage  of  women  population  (out  of  total  eligible
                                                                    population)  receiving  social  protection  benefits  under
                                                                    Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana (PMMVY);
         Indicators like
                                                                (d)  Girls Transition Rate – Primary;
         (1)  Whether the Citizen charter is prepared and upload in the
                                                                (e)  Percentage of poor women in SHGs as under PHH & AAY
            Portal (Panchayat Charter website);
                                                                    category etc.
         (2)  Whether Panchayat accounts read out in the Gram Sabha;
                                                                With  the  9  Themes  and  LIF  being  integrated  into  the  GPDP
         (3)  Whether the List of beneficiaries of all Schemes displayed
                                                                done by MoPR, (following the LSDG Report), the GPDP would
            in GP;
                                                                get  formulated  so  as  to  achieve  all  targets  defined  in  the
         (4)  Whether  the  List  of  beneficiaries  of  all  Schemes  is   dynamic LIF keeping the overall framework of Local Indicators

            approved in the Gram Sabha;                         (LIF)  in  mind.  However,  currently  MoPR  has  in  the  GPDP
                                                                provided the scope for covering 181  Indicators, identified after
         (5)  Number of  Mahila Sabha conducted etc.
                                                                discussions with Ministries and States, based on availability of
         are mapped with different activities to measure the progress of   data  and  identified  priorities.  This  limitation  needs  to  be
         the  panchayats  in  delivering  citizen  centric  services  in  a  time   removed and the GPs should be provided the entire framework
         bound, efficient and transparent manner.               of the LIF with all the values, and cross comparison with other
         Theme -9 Women- Friendly Panchayat (Engendered         GPs appropriately presented  with  high degree of  visualization
         Development in Panchayat)                              and interactive planning built in. The LIF values also need to be
         Total 10 indicators are included in the theme 9 for preparation   updated not just annually for the GPDP but more frequently and
         of thematic GPDP. To develop Women Friendly Panchayat, it is   dynamically,  using  both  administrative  data,  many  of  them
         significant  to  address  the  issues  of  women  and  girl  children   being  real  time,  and  evolving  other  necessary  mechanisms
         through GPDP by converging different flagship schemes. It is

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