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of the need and concern. What the Sankalp also shows which is
         quite  sad  is  the  lack  of  importance  given  to  engendered
         development  in  the  Theme  Women  friendly  Village  with  it
         being in the bottom of the list at merely 0.80%, the next lowest
         being the Theme of Socially Just and Socially Securedat 2.18%;
         and  if  the  2  are  taken  together  gives  a  dismal  picture  for
         Leaving No One Behind. And the third lowest being a Village   integrated  the  entire  system  for  LSDGs  achievement  will  be.
         with  Good  Governance  at  3.59%.  And  acknowledged  is  that   MoPR may consider building this integration at the earliest.
         Good  governance  is  necessary  for  delivery  of  all  Themes,
                                                                What  the  LIF  aims  to  do  is  to  ensure  that  there  is  a  basis  &
         acknowledged  is  that  development  is  not  possible  leaving  out
                                                                direction for the GPs that can be an excellent guiding light for
         50% of the population, and gender is central to the SDGs as is
                                                                the LSDGs that enable achieving the best possible levels of the
         the principle of LNOB.
                                                                SDGs  at  the  grassroots  level.    LIF  is  dynamic  and  can  be
         However,  it  is  important  to  appreciate  these  choices,  in  the   defined as per the need of the respective Panchayat, District and
         context of  - the Thematic scores that will come out on taking   State. Goals and objectives of all departments working in rural
         the process of data, LIF and PDI forward, the understanding of   areas  and  projects/  schemes  meant  to  serve  rural  population
         the core need of the GPs, that the inter-thematic impact would   should be aligned with the LIF, and act on the Joint Advisories
         be  reflected  in  the  scores,  and  the  GP  may  want  to  choose  a   signed by 26 Departments and 21 Ministries  in April 2022, as
         basket of indicators across themes, over and above the Sankalp,   part  of  the  Azadi  ka  Amrit  Mahotsav,  symbolizing  the
         and perhaps it had to choose the top 3 and by no means was not   commitment  to  the  supporting  the  rural  local  bodies  in  this
         considering working on the bottom 3, in the choice made.   process.

                                                                These themes , targets and indicators are aspirational in nature,
         LIF and National Panchayat Awards
                                                                relevant and place the global goals in the local agenda .They are
         The MoPR has revised the National Panchayat Awards (NPA)
                                                                universally  applicable,  in  line  with  national  policies  and
         in  line  with  the  9  Themes  as  well  as  added  Special  Category
                                                                priorities  as  well  as  taking  into  account  local  realities  in  a
         awards, and while doing so has drawn on the LIF that was given
                                                                concise  and  easy  to  communicate  manner.  Most  Targets  and
         in  the  Expert  Group  Report,  that  recommended  LSDGs  and
                                                                Indicators of the SDGs are to be achieved at the local level as
         LIF. The correlation between the NPA and the LIF linked to the
                                                                they all are related to social and economic development, hence
         PDI, has been done and is given in Annexure-I, Table-19. Total
                                                                concurrent  with  subjects  devolved  to  the  Panchayats.  LIF
         90 indicators are selected for measuring the performance of GPs
                                                                covers the 5Ps and embodies in it the essence of the declaration
         across 9 themes including special categories under NPA. Out of
                                                                of the United Nations where all countries decided to embark on
         which  64  indicators  directly  find  place  in  the  same  Thematic
                                                                the  journey  for  the  better  future  for  all,  where  no  one  is  left
         awards,  while  26  indicators  are  included  from  other  themes.
                                                                behind & no Gram Panchayat is left behind.
         The NPA has other 9 questions that form part of the assessment.
         The present level of correlation of LIF, GPDP and NPA is given
         in Annexure-I, Table-20 and in the figure. The closer NPA is to
         the  LIF  and  the  PDI,  and  the  LIF  to  the  GPDP,  the  more

          The closer NPA is to the LIF and the PDI, and the
           LIF to the GPDP, the more integrated the entire
               system for LSDGs achievement will be.

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