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To assess the progress of the Gram Panchayat in the attainment
         of  the  SDGs,  activities  under  each  theme  are  mapped  with
         Local  Indicator  Framework  (LIF)  suggested  in  the  Expert
         committee report on LSDG. Total 181 indicators from the LIF
         are selected by MoPR in consultations with other Ministries and
         States  for  measuring  the  performance  of  GPs  across  9
         themes  in the preparation of thematic GPDP.

         Theme -1 Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods

                                                                (a)  Percentage of births attended by skilled health personnel or
                                                                    institutional delivery (Period 1 year);

                                                                (b)  Percentage of women aged 15-49 years with a live birth in
                                                                    last  one  year,  who  received  antenatal  care,  four  times  or
                                                                    more in last 1 year;
                                                                (c)  Under-five mortality rate, (per 1,000 live births);

         Total  10  indicators  are  included  in  theme  -1  &  mapped  with   (d)  Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births);
         different activities for the preparation of thematic GPDP. A few
                                                                (e)  Percentage of children age 12-23 months fully vaccinated
         Local Indicators like
                                                                    with BCG, measles and three doses each of polio and DPT
         (1)  Percentage of HHs living in Kutcha houses;            or Penta vaccine (excluding polio vaccine given at birth);
         (2)  Percentage  of  eligible  covered  under  Social  Security   (f)  Percentage  of  children  aged  under  5  years  who  are
            Pension Scheme;                                         underweight;

         (3)  Percentage of unique active persons out of enrolled persons   (g)  Percentage  of  Children  age  6-59  months  who  are  anemic
            under  Mahatma  Gandhi  National  Rural  Employment     (<11.0g/dl) etc.
            Guarantee Act (MGNREGA);
                                                                are  included  in  the  theme  2.  Gram  Panchayat  will  undertake
         (4)  Percentage of poor women in SHGs as under PHH & AAY   different  activities  in  convergence  with  line  departments  &
            category;                                           resources available to them to address the progress of selected
         (5)  Percentage  of  persons  (out  of  total  eligible  population)   local indicators under this theme.
            receiving  social  protection  benefits  under  Pradhan  Mantri   Theme -3 Child- Friendly Panchayat

            Matritva Vandana Yojana (PMMVY);                    The  Child–Friendly  Village  theme  for  the  preparation  of
                                                                Thematic GPDP is capturing 17 indicators. Local Indicators are
         (6)  Total number of homeless population etc.
                                                                broadly  categorized  through  the  pillars  of  rights  of  the  Child:
         are  included  to  measure  the  progress  in  the  achievement  of
                                                                Right  to  Survival;  Right  to  Development;  Right  to  Protection
         related SDGs through local action plans.
                                                                and Right to Participation. Indicators like
         Theme -2 Healthy Panchayat
                                                                (a)  Percentage  of  children  (0-3  years)  registered  under  ICDS
         Total 11 indicators are considered in this theme under thematic
                                                                    out of total eligible children (0-3 years) - Child Survival;
         GPDP. Local Indicators like

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework
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