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Themes to Targets                                      Targets to Indicators
         The Vision Statement for each Theme is broken down to Local   The  Targets  being  broad  areas  need  specific  outcomes  for
         Targets for the Gram Panchayats to work on, on similar premise   measurement  of  progress  thereon.  These  are  the  Indicators  of
         of the SDGs to Global Targets, and at National level to National   performance  and  progress.  Defining  a  good  performance
         Targets.  There  are  169  Global  Targets.  These  are  also  the   Indicator  requires  careful  analysis  of  what  is  to  be  measured.
         National  Targets.  What  at  national  level  is  applicable  as  a   They  should  be  clear  and  easily  understood  by  stakeholders
         National Target are presented for the Gram Panchayats, as per   who  will  be  using  it.  The  Indicator  focuses  on  a  small,
         Gram  Panchayat  perspective,  as  Local  Targets.  While  at   manageable set of information that can assist to take strategic
         National  level  there  are  168  Targets  aligned  with  the  Global   decisions  as  well  as  arrive  at  specific  actionable  points  to
         Targets,  there  are  targets  aligned  with  the  Gram  Panchayats,   address problem areas and plan to reach next levels of progress.
         covering the 9 themes                                  Indicators  are  extremely  important  for  monitoring  &  we  all
                                                                understand  that  –  ‘what  gets  monitored  gets  done’.  This
         There  is  a  need  to  be  selective  when  defining  targets.  The
                                                                monitoring  is  seen  as  self  –  monitoring  by  GPs  as  well  as
         selected  targets  must  communicate  whether  the  Panchayat  is
                                                                through the PDI and its component part of LIF. The indicators
         achieving  the  strategic  goals  and  the  vision  statement  in  its
                                                                are  also  being  correlated  to  the  outcomes  of  programmes  and
         wider  scope.      Targets  are  thus  parts  aspects  for  that  Theme/
                                                                flagship  schemes  such  as  JJM,  SBM,  Anemia  Mukt  Bharat.
         Goal to be achieved for a comprehensive understanding for the
                                                                Totally there are 577 Indicators. Some of these indicators are
         Gram  Panchayat.  For  e.g.:  To  become  a  Child  Friendly
                                                                repeated  in  more  than  one  Theme.  These  repeat  indicators
         Panchayat, there are 17 Targets for the Gram Panchayat - such
                                                                identified are presented in a matrix (Annexure-I, Table-7). The
                                                                unique  indicators  come  to  361.  This  has  been  arrived  at
            Improved delivery of services in ICDS              considering  the  discussions  with  Ministries  /  Departments

            Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early   concerned, and applicability at GP level.
            childhood development, care and pre –primary education
                                                                   The depth to which the LIF has gone, and has
            Eliminate gender disparity in all levels of education   the scope of going will result in grassroot level
                                                                 data and changes by use of such data in the LIF
            Ensure safety and protection of all children in the Village
                                                                The Indicators under the Local Targets form the LIF. The LIF is
         Similarly, looking at targets under the Theme ‘Poverty Free and   the measuring set of the Targets, similar to the NIF. The LIF is

         Enhanced Livelihoods Panchayat’, we see, amongst others,   correlated to the NIF and the NIF to the National Targets. And
            To  facilitate  to  improve  the  living  standards  of  BPL   this  connects  from  thinking  globally  to  acting  locally,  to
                                                                impacting nationally.
                                                                While  the  NIF  is  drawing  data  at  National  level  and  across
             Implement social protection schemes for all
                                                                different States and UTs, the LIF seeks to draw the data at GP
            To improve the activities of ICDS programme        level, in the first instance. There have been series of discussions
                                                                covering  all  the  Ministries  and  Departments  connected  to  the
            Reduce  poverty  by  providing  wage  employment  under
                                                                various  Indicators,  and  their  availability  at  GP  level.  The
                                                                relevance of the indicator has been the guiding factor, and while

                                                                the availability of data may be a constraint at first glance, the

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