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definite possibility of evolving the system of authentic validated   that is also the line of capacity building that is recommended.
         GP level data takes over and the move is towards this. That this   The heightened progress in the GPs will also reflect at District,
         is  possible  has  been  tested  in  the  work  done  on  the  Proof  of   State  and  National  levels.  Where  LIF  indicators  are  different
         Concept by Maharashtra for 30 GPs. In this process it is seen   from the SDG/NIF/SIF, Target values of LIF indicators may be
         that the depth to which the LIF has gone, and has the scope of   set  in  discussion  with  the  GPs,  identifying  some  of  the  best
         going will result in grassroot level data and changes by use of   performing GPs in the State and at National level, enabling the
         such data in the LIF. That all the indicators are relevant and to a   GPs to identify and set their targets. This Target setting would
         Panchayat these too still do not cover all that they want to work   need  to  be  done  by  groups  of  GPs,  which  can  be  identified
         on,  came  out  in  the  interaction  with  the  GPs  in  YASHADA,   based on the baseline values that would be arrived at following
         Maharashtra, in June 2022, held by the Committee, where the   the Data Collection on the LIF. The concepts and measures are
         GPs added Indicators. Hence the doubts on the large number of   so detailed and complex that a top-down fixing or using single
         indicators  in  the  LIF  is  seen  to  be  as  a  matter  of  time  and   mechanism for all cannot capture the diversity and humongous
         evolving of the appropriate enabling system for data collection   task  that  is  involved.  Targets  should  be  discussed  with  like
         for the LIF.                                           groups  of  Gram  Panchayats  in  multiple,  consultation
         These  Indicators  are  essential  from  Panchayat  perspective  as
         well  as  from  those  at  all  higher  levels  seeking  to  support  the
         Panchayat  or  achieve  their  schematic  performance  (KPIs).  At   Time frame for different indicators can be
         Gram Panchayat level ‘Indicators’ are effective tools to measure   different for different Gram Panchayats ac-
                                                                  cording to their felt needs because every GP
         progress and performance.
                                                                    starts its journey from the different point.

         Target Values                                            What is important here is that the all Targets
                                                                         should be achieved before 2030.
         Progress is tracked by the indicators. This requires  also target
         values  for  Indicators  against  which  assessment  of  progress
         made on the Indicators can be done.  Here target value refers to   Gram Panchayat should strive to reach to the best they can with
         that value or goal post that is set to be reached, from the current   setting  Target  Values  for  2030  and  also  annual  values  to  be
         level.                                                 reached, by each GP.
         LIF  indicators  are  more  stringent  than  the  SIF  and  NIF,  for   Time frame for different indicators can be different for different
         setting Target values of indicators.                   Gram  Panchayats  according  to  their  felt  needs  because  every
                                                                GP starts its journey from the different point. What is important

           Panchayats should be free to set their targets       here is that the all Targets should be achieved before 2030.
                                                                Convergence  in  planning  and  action  with  pooling  human,
         For  this  the  Target  values  of  LIF  indicators  should  be  open   capital and technical resources in an organised and participatory
         ended; Panchayats should be free to set their targets not below   manner at resource level is a prerequisite to achieve the Targets
         target  values  of  SDGs,  NIF  and  SIF  indicators.  The  NIF  and   within the stipulated time.
         SIF target values are more the progress level to be achieved by
                                                                The  Targets  and  Indicators  are  to  be  reviewed  annually.  The
         all  States/Districts  respectively,  but  not  the  best  and  highest.
                                                                numbers  of  Targets  and  Indicators  taken  up  by  Gram
         With GPs, not being limited by this value of the NIF or SIF,
                                                                Panchayats can be different, as it is as per their felt needs. This
         the scope for reaching the best and highest is far greater, and

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework
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