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in relation to each Indicator and the Theme, and composite score in the Panchayat Development Index. It will enable the GPs to
         identify the gaps and look at Thematic progress and progress on their developmental status on a regular basis.

         Themes, LIF and SDGs

         Themes cross-cut SDGs and action on a Theme has impact on different SDGs, which is in line with the Thematic approach of the
         LSDGs being the goals at GP level. The LIF table connected to the NIF derived from SDGs shows hence the direct connect to
         different SDGs within one Theme. This is also beautifully interwoven in the LIF, to make complete meaning of the Theme. The
         repetition of a few indicators, due to its relevance in more than one Theme, also communicates this. In the SDGs Global Indicator
         framework also, there are repeat indicators appearing in more than one SDG. The global indicator framework includes 231 unique
         indicators, and the total number of indicators listed in the global indicator framework of SDG indicators is 248.  Thirteen indicators
         repeat under two or three different Goals, and within a Goal, under different targets.


         The Localised SDGs’: Nine thematic areas with a Vision Statement for each Theme, as taken from the Expert Group Report on the
         LSDGs, are given below:
                        Table 3.1: Nine Thematic areas of LSGD with a Vision Statement for each Theme
               Logo               Theme                                   Vision Statement

                         Theme 1: Poverty Free and   A poverty free Panchayat, that ensures there is social protection so that
                         Enhanced Livelihoods        none slip back to poverty. A village where there is growth and prosperity
                                                     with enhanced livelihoods for all.
                         Theme 2: Healthy Gram       Ensure healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages.

                         Theme 3: Child-Friendly     To ensure that all children are able to enjoy their rights for survival,
                         Gram Panchayat              development, participation and protection to reach their full potential.
                         Theme 4: Water Sufficient   A Gram Panchayat  with Functional House Tap Connections to every
                                                     household, with targeted standard of quality water supply, good water
                         Gram Panchayat
                                                     management and abundant water availability for agriculture and all other
                                                     needs, and conserving its water ecosystem.
                         Theme 5: Clean and Green    Creating a Gram Panchayat for the future of our children, which is lush
                                                     and green with nature’s bounty, using renewable energy, clean, protecting
                         Gram Panchayat
                                                     environment and climate resilient.
                         Theme 6: Self-Sufficient    To achieve Self Sufficient Infrastructure and, ensure access for all to
                         Infrastructure Gram         adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services.
                         Theme 7: Socially Secured and  Every person in the Gram Panchayat must feel cared for and all eligible
                         Socially Just Gram Panchayat    must be covered by social security systems.
                         Theme 8: Gram Panchayat  of  Ensuring benefits of development under various schemes and responsive

                         Good Governance             service delivery to all residents of GP through Good Governance.
                         Theme 9: Women Friendly     To achieve gender equality, provide equal opportunities, empower women

                         Gram Panchayat              and girls in a safe environment.

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework
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