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Existing models of competitive federalism in India     purely  of  relevance  to  State  and  are  completely  decentralised
                                                                addressing the needs of different States and sub-State levels, as
         Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index        determined by States. The overall guiding light is the SDGs and

         The  United  Nations  has  determined  that  in  order  to  track  the   National Targets and relevant National Indicators.
         progress  of  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  and  the
         accompanying  targets,  there  should  be  17  SDGs,  with  169   LIF and PDI – strengthening PRIs
         global  targets,  and  a  set  of  231  different  global  indicators.   The Devolution is a matter also of State Policy as per the 73
         MoSPI developed  the  NIF  in  2018  consisting  of  306  national   Constitutional Amendment. Barring couple of States – Kerala,
         indictors  along  with  identified  data  sources  and  periodicity   West Bengal and Karnataka, that stand out, the empowerment
         following  due  consultation  with  concerned  Ministries/  of  PRIs  has  been  at  varying  levels  limited.  Mostly  they  are
         Departments,  UN  Agencies  and  other  stakeholders.  MoSPI   performing  Agency  functions  and  providing  basic  services,
         periodically review and refine the NIF in consultation with the   within  the  funds  devolved  to  them  from  Central  and  State
         line Ministries/Dept. At present, NIF (version 2022) consists of   Finance Commissions, of which some funds never reach them,
         286 indicators out of which data is available on 268 indicators.   and  get  adjusted  at  State  level  for  dues,  or  common  works
         NITI  Aayog  compiles  the  SDG  India  Index  on  the  basis  of   contracts  payments,  and  a  substantial  portion  is  tied  funds,
         indicators mainly drawn from NIF to track progress of all States   including  60%  of  CFC  grant  for  water  and  sanitation.
         and UTs. The latest SDG India Index 2020–21 is based on 115   Guidelines  of  Schemes  notwithstanding,  the  involvement  of
         indicators.  The  NIF  is  the  backbone  of  monitoring  the   PRIs in the planning processes in the Schemes, and informing
         Sustainable Development Goals at the level of the country and   them  to  enable  them  to  prepare  their  GPDP  has  been  more
         will  give  appropriate  direction  to  the  policy  makers  and  the   absent than present. Working within these realities, there has
         implementers of the various schemes and programmes. It also   been  the  efforts  taken  by  the  MoPR  to  enable  the  3   tier  of
         gives inter-State performance and status on these parameters as   government  to  move  towards  enabling  them  to  discharge  its
         identified in the NIF. As a result, the SDG India Index was able   responsibilities under the 29 devolved subjects, and perform the
         to help score the States and UTs on how well they were doing   functions  for  socio-economic  development,  through  various
         in  attaining  the  SDG  targets.  This  highlighted  the  enormous   policy  and  programmatic  initiatives,  including  the  very
         discrepancies that exist between the States and emphasised how   important and relevant GPDP – Gram Panchayat Development

         important it is to take a more localised approach.     Plan.
         In accordance with the National Indicator Framework (NIF), the
         states have devised the State Indicator Framework (SIF), which   Guidelines of Schemes notwithstanding, the
                                                                  involvement of PRIs in the planning processes in
         incorporates not only the national targets and indicators but also
                                                                  the Schemes by the departments in the field, and
         those that are of specific significance to the states. Some states
                                                                   informing them to enable them to prepare their
         have  also  prepared  District  Indicator  Frameworks  (DIF)
                                                                     GPDP has been more absent than present.
         applicable  at  the  district  level,  as  well  as  the  Target  and
         Indicators as flowing from the SIF, but as applicable at District   Though there is reservation for women in the PRIs and in many
         level,  for  which  NITI  Aayog  and  MoSPI  are  guiding  the   States  at  GP  level  even  50  %,  the  connect  of  the  SHG
         preparation of SIF and DIF in States. The creation of the Block   movement to PRIs, is an area that has drawn interest from time
         Indicator Framework (BIF), which provides an overview of the   to  time,  but  yet  to  be  concretely  monitored  and  leveraged  in
         state  of  affairs  regarding  the  Sustainable  Development  Goal   empowering women and Panchayats. It is expected that in the
         (SDG) Indicator Framework as it relates to the Block, has just   Revamped RGSA 2022, and with the LSDG framework, there
         been started by the states. The levels of SIF, DIF and BIF are

                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Policy Efforts by MoPR to strengthen PRIs         16
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