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panchayat  level.  This  brought  closer  two  of  the  primary   to build the institutional capacity of the elected representatives
         responsibilities - building up the capacity of Rural Local Body   &  functionaries  to  deliver  Sustainable  Development    Goals
         (RLB) employees and making better use of technology to better   (SDGs).  RGSA  also  looks  to  strengthening  Self  Help  Groups
         deliver  the  responsibilities  in  local  governance,  including   (SHGs)-PRIs  convergence  to  ensure  effective  community
         achieving LSDGs for the GPs.                           mobilisation and  greater public ownership for development in
                                                                the  village.  RGSA  emphasizes  to  leverage  the  use  of
         The revamped RGSA has been launched as an umbrella scheme
                                                                e-governance  and  technology  driven  solutions  at  Panchayat
         with  five  main components in the  year 2022. The goal of the
                                                                level  to  attain  administrative  efficiency,  improved  service
         scheme  is  to  develop  and  strengthen  the  capacities  of
                                                                delivery, and greater accountability.
         Panchayati  Raj  Institutions  (PRIs)  for  rural  local  governance
         and  become  more  responsive  towards  the  needs  of  local   National Panchayat Awards
         development.  This  will  be  accomplished  by  preparing
                                                                Under the revamped RGSA, MoPR has been incentivizing best
         participatory  plans  that  leverage  technology  and  efficiently
                                                                performing Panchayats through National Panchayat Awards by
         utilise  e-governance  solutions  for  the  purpose  of  realising
                                                                assessing their performance in the attainment of the SDGs by
         sustainable  solutions  to  local  problems  that  are  linked  to   promoting competitive spirit amongst them and catalysing the
         Localisation  of  Sustainable  Development  (LSDGs),  and
                                                                process  of  Localization  of  Sustainable  Development  Goals
         empower Panchayats in local self-government.
                                                                (LSDGs) by 2030. Awards at the National level will be given to
         Thus, the 5 main central components of the RGSA scheme are   Gram, Block and District Panchayats for individual theme- wise
         as follows:
                                                                performance as well as aggregate performance under all themes.

                                                                       Structure of National Panchayats Award under
          Components of RGSA, as per framework for implementation                  revamped RGSA
                     of CSS of Revamped RGSA, 2022
                                                                In  order  to  enable  the  PRIs  to  implement  the  RGSA  in  a
         The total budget outlay for the scheme in FY 22-23 is Rs. 894.8
                                                                meaningful, concerted and result oriented manner, a framework
         Cr. The sharing pattern for the State component is in the ration
                                                                for implementation of RGSA has been prepared and shared with
         60:40 except for hilly and North-Eastern States where Central
                                                                the States, which they refer to while creating their annual action
         and State share is in the ratio of 90:10. For all Union Territories,
                                                                plans for approval and fund release.
         the Central share is 100%.
                                                                Under RGSA, financial assistance is also extended to academic
         The scheme has programmatic focus for phased saturation mode
                                                                institutions  having  specialized  experience  in  research  and
         on  ensuring  basic  orientation  training  for  the  Elected
                                                                evaluation  in  the  rural  development  sector  and  to  carry  out
         Representatives  of  Panchayats,  within  six  months  of  their
                                                                action  research  on  various  aspects  of  Panchayati  Raj  for
         election and refresher trainings within 2 years. The scheme aims
                                                                evidence driven policy formulation.

                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Policy Efforts by MoPR to strengthen PRIs
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