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brought  fruits.    To  cite  one  examples,  there  has  been  huge   How it is presented to the GPs, what all is to be seen by them,
         improvements  at  district  level  in  the  Aspirational  Districts   and how relevant it is to them, an appropriate index can provide
         Programme  and  relative  movements  seen  in  the  positions  of   that clarity and canvas, that calls and beckons the Panchayats to
         States  in  the  SDG  India  Index  in  comparison  to  others,    in   act and make the difference and push development with rigour
         various  indicators  values  under  the  SDGs  and  their  scores   and covering all aspects that only the Local-self-government at
         against targets.  The logical and essential outcome of indexing   the GP level can do and actively work on the achievement of
         is  to  foster  the  spirit  of  development  and  competition  in   the LSDGs for themselves in rural India, and resultant  SDGs
         achieving the set of developmental targets.            for  the country.

         Drawing  high  attention  to  Themes  and  focused  achievement,
                                                                 Localizing SDGs with PRIs is the responsibility of
         GPs  across  the  country  have  been  advised  to  pass  resolution
                                                                   all Ministries as work scope of most Ministries
         (take  Sankalp)  on  2-3  most  relevant  themes  of  LSDGs  and
                                                                              comprise of rural areas.
         prepare  GPDP  to  saturate  the  Sankalp  (resolution)  of  Theme
         taken by them, with adoption of at least one theme achievement
         in  each  GPDP  cycle  by  each  Gram  Panchayat  on  a  mission   Principles:

         mode, supported through People’s Plan Campaign.        Integration of LSDGs in rural areas into the GPDP presents a
                                                                natural  synergy  between  the  two  initiatives.  GPDP  is  to  be
         Moreover,  the  conferment  of  National  Panchayat  Awards
                                                                reflective of the thematic goals and targets in a manner in which
         (NPA)  on  the  PRIs  has  been  revamped  to  align  with  their
                                                                the  local  planning  and  execution  of  actions  can  be  planned
         performance in attainment of SDGs based outcome with effect
                                                                using  data,  converging  all  the  resources  in  setting  local
         from  2023  (assessment  year  2021-22),  to  the  9  Themes.  The
         monetary  incentive  has  been  increased  manifold  and   development agenda and finding local solutions to development
         competition had been made mandatory with a view to draw the   issues  so  as  to  contribute  to  the  Panchayat  in  achieving  the
         Panchayats  attention  to  their  performance  on  the  selected  90   level / value of the Indicator under the thematic goals and thus
         local  indicators  for  assessment  for  NPA.  This  was  also  to  be   the  objectives  of  SDGs  by  2030.  Effective  LSDGs  requires
                                                                linking  budgets  to  the  local  plans  which  in  turn  requires  an
         used  to  rank  Panchayats,    until  an  alternative  comprehensive
                                                                approach that fosters vertical as well as horizontal convergence.
         mechanism for ranking the Panchayats is put in place.
                                                                The tied and untied funds for Panchayats from the award of the
         Rationale:                                               th
                                                                14   Central  Finance  Commission,  have  provided    financial
         The  response  of  GPs  and  resilience  that  came  to  the  fore  in   resources  for  GPs  to  assign  for  their  holistic  development.
         COVID should leave no one in doubt of the strength and ability   Through GPDP a comprehensive development of rural areas is
         of  GPs.  2.69  lakh  Panchayats  with  32  lakh  elected   possible and thereby steadily moving towards the global agenda
         representatives, do know their people and are quite aware at a   of  SDGs.  Weightage  to  areas  for  improvement  can  be  equal,
         gross  level  on  needs,  issues  of  people  and  area  and  what  is   determined by National / State / District / Block and Panchayat
         required to be achieved. Specifics are also known to GP’s. But   priorities. Cross comparisons and identifying priorities,  would
         only  when  presented  with  facts  and  encouraged  to  pursue   be principles of relevance in how the framework is used. How
         achievement,    the  GPs  can  be  motivated  to  see  the    larger   different  GPs  are  placed  by  geography,  backwardness,
         picture and the details of their domain. The depth to which the   infrastructure, other facilities etc. would need to be factored to
         GP can work and go, the complete knowledge of the residents   compare  like  with  like  and  identify  relevant  indicators.  The
         of the village, ability to provide of hyper local solutions, the   progression on these lines is a matter of how an Index can be
         response to issues, impetus that they can bring, is unparalleled.
                                                                made more effective and fairer.

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