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Taking note of these disparities, Government has been making   Localizing  SDGs  with  PRIs  is  the  responsibility  of  all
         persistent efforts to narrow down on these developmental gaps.   Ministries  as  well  as  of  MoPR,  as  work  scope  of  most
         Some  of  the  Ministries  have  been  addressing  these  issues   Ministries  comprise  of  rural  areas.  MoPR  has  played  an
         directly with tailor made schemes and programmes, directed at   anchoring role in localizing SDGs in PRIs in mission mode.
         the  gaps  only,  whereas  many  other  Departments  have  special
                                                                It  is  in  this  context  that  the  Ministry  adopted  an  innovative
         provisions in their schemes catering to rural areas either to meet
                                                                approach of Localization for actualization of the SDGs at local
         their special need or to cut down on the gaps.
                                                                level    through  9  broad  themes  by  subsuming  more  than  one
         From  recipient  of  resources,  to  active  participant,  the  role  of   SDGs  under  each  theme  for  convergence  of  resources  and
         Panchayati  Raj  Institutions  (PRIs),  especially  GPs  is  very   attainment of the goals.  The nine proposed themes are:
         crucial in localizing the SDGs and in the achievement of the
                                                                      Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods in
         SDGs 2030 Agenda in the villages. It is getting reflected in the
         progress made in localizing SDGs with PRIs ensuring ‘no one
                                                                      Theme 2: Healthy Village
         is left behind’ and ‘no village is left behind’.

         V. Development of LIF/LSDG :                                 Theme 3: Child-Friendly Village
         Different line departments operating at the Panchayats level are
         in  control  of  large  primary  and  secondary  data  sets  collected   Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
         over  time  under  various  schemes  and  programmes.  These
         pertain  to  various  development  sectors  and  analyzing  them   Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
         conjointly will lead to  improved assessments of  their overall
         development  and  enable  the  Panchayats  to  develop  a  local   Theme 6: Village with Self-Sufficient Infrastructure
         vision,  goals  and  action  points  for  delivery  with  good
         governance.  With  the  focus  on  the  attainment  of  SDGs  and   Theme 7: Socially Just and Socially Secured Village
         thinking  villages  as  major  partner  in  the  cause,  the  Local
         Indicator Framework (LIF), a set of indicators designed to help   Theme 8: Village with Good Governance
         local  governments,  track  and  measure  progress  towards  the
         SDGs, need to be developed for evidence-based planning and    Theme 9: Women Friendly Village (Engendered
         policy by governments – state and central.                    Development in Village)
         The  ways  and  means  for  mainstreaming  the  SDG  agenda  at   Starting  with  the  Azadi  ka  Amrut  Mahotsav,  in  April  2022,
         local level, given the complexity of  involvement of multi-level   MoPR  has  taken  a  series  of  interventions  with  the  spirit  of
         governance  from  Centre  to  local  self-government,    and   ‘Whole of Government’ and ‘Whole of Society’ involvement in
         multitude of Ministries and Departments implementing schemes   the  process  of  LSDGs  by  working  together  with  Central
         and  programmes,  mostly,  directly  through  their  official   Ministries/  Departments,  State  Governments,  UN  Agencies,
         machinery.  PRIs,  if  involved,  performs  a  limited    function,   Educational  Institutions,  CSOs  on  different  convergent  efforts
         rather than being a partner and with  decision making power.  It   at the grassroots level. Joint Advisories with 21 Ministries and
         necessarily  would  require  the  active  involvement  of  PRIs  in   26 Departments, Joint Statement of Understanding with UN
         directing/percolating  the  schematic  and  programmatic  benefits   agencies  were  simultaneously  released.  National  workshops
         to the rural mass with Leaving No Village Behind and the core   conducted in different States on the Themes, and opportunities
         concept of  “Leave No One Behind”  of the Agenda of SDGs.    to  Panchayats  from  across  the  country,  to  present  their

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