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development,  agenda  issues,  socio-economic,  geographical,   in  developmental  terms  of  technological,  infrastructure,  and
         environmental  and  interconnectedness  of  the    17  SDGs.   socio-economic  state    is  a  well-known  fact  and  has  been
         Towards the 2030 future, 169 global targets and  231 distinct   brought to the fore through various administrative statistics. In
         global  indicators    were    identified  by  the  United  Nations  for   order to have a glimpse of these disparities, some key indicators
         assessing  and  monitoring  the  progress  of  the  attainment  of   from the NFHS-5  are:
                                                                   Female  population  age  6  years  and  above  who  ever
         In India, 306 indicators were identified as per National Indicator   attended school (%) Urban 82.5 – Rural 66.8
         Framework (NIF) on the 17 SDGs, to provide proper direction
                                                                   Women with 10 or more years of schooling (%) Urban 56.3
         to the policymakers in the attainment of SDGs at the National
                                                                    – Rural 33.7
         level and for holistic development. NITI Aayog prepared SDG
         India  Index  using  NIF  for  measuring  the  progress  of  the      Men with 10 or more years of schooling (%) Urban 62.1 –
         achievement of SDGs.                                       Rural  43.7

         India is committed to attainment of SDGs by the target date and      Children under age 5 years whose birth was registered with
         working  vigorously  to  even  achieve  some  of  the  goals  much   the civil authority (%) Urban 93.3 – Rural 87.5
         before 2030.
                                                                   Population  living  in  households  that  use  an  improved

                                                                    sanitation facility (%) Urban 81.5 – Rural  64.9
                    “When India grows, the World
                                                                   Households using clean fuel for cooking (%) Urban 89.7 –
                                                                    Rural 43.2
                         Shri Narendra Modi,
                                                                   Women age 20-24 years married before age 18 years (%)
                        Prime Minister of India
                                                                    Urban 14.7 – Rural 27.0

                                                                   Infant mortality rate (IMR) Urban 26.6 – Rural  38.4

         The  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  (MoPR)  with  the  mandate  to      Under-five mortality rate (U5MR) Urban 31.5 – Rural  45.7
         build  institutional  capabilities  of  the  PRIs  to  deliver  SDGs  at
                                                                   Children under 5 years  who  are underweight (weight-for-
         local  level  is  given  a  key  role  in  reorienting  the  PRIs  in  this
                                                                    age)(%) Urban 27.3 – Rural 33.8
         direction.  Not  only  the  Ministry  will  reorient  the  capacity
         building and training of the PRIs and use multi-media towards      Current Mothers who had an antenatal check-up in the first
         new  developmental  paradigm,  MoPR  also  is  constantly   trimester (%) Urban 75.5 – Rural  67.9; Mothers who had
         evolving  itself  to  meet  the  needs  of  time  and  empower   at least 4 antenatal care visits (%) Urban 68.1 – Rural  54.2
         panchayats  through  innovation,  facilitation,      guidance  and
                                                                   Women who have ever used the internet (%) Urban 51.8 –
         advocacy for accomplishment of the target.
                                                                    Rural 24.6;
         IV. Aligning Panchayat/ Rural programmes with SDG:        Men  who  have  ever  used  the  internet  (%)  Urban  72.5  –

                                                                    Rural  48.7
         "India lives in her villages" Gandhi ji said this, when 89 % of
         the population lived in villages. However, Times have changed,
                                                                               “ India lives in her villages”
         but  still  nearly  68%  of  India  lives  in  rural  areas.  Hence,
         attainment of SDGs at National level will require actions at the           Mahatma Gandhi

         grassroots level i.e., at village’s level. The rural – urban divide

                                      PDI Committee Report - 2023: Introduction
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