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The  Report  also  puts  forth  a  results-based  framework  (LIF)   Key features of the LGD are as follows:
         based on the 9 themes in tune with the goals and targets of the   i.   Generation of unique code for each local government body
         SDGs at the Gram Panchayat level. The LIF is the measuring   ii.  Maintenance of local government bodies and its  mapping
         frame of the targets, similar to those of the National Indicator   with  constituting  land  region  entities.  For  instance-  every
         Framework  developed  for  the  tracking  of  the  sustainable   gram panchayat is mapped with corresponding villages.
         development goals under the SDG India Index. The LIF has a
                                                                iii.  Mandatory  upload  of  Government  order  for  each
         total of 577 indicators, of which 39 are repeat indicators due to
                                                                    modification in the directory helps in ascertaining that the
         them being relevant to multiple targets and interlapping themes.
                                                                    data published in the LGD is authentic.
         The data in the LIF in different themes provides the basis for
         the  preparation  of  the  Gram  Panchayat  Development  Plan   iv.  Maintenance  of  historical  data  ensures  that  even  when
         (GPDP)  to  ensure  that  there  is  evidence-based  activity  and   modifications  are  made  in  LGD,  the  older  values  are
         direction, with measurement of outcomes, to achieve the SDGs   archived and can be retrieved if required.
         at  the  grassroots  while  leaving  no  one  and  no  village  is  left   v.  Provision to maintain state specific local government setup

                                                                    in alignment with the Census 2011 codes.
         Local Government Directory                             vi.  Facility to integrate with state specific standard codes - if
         The  primary  objective  of  the  Local  Government  Directory   any  state  is  following  standard  codes  for  state  level
         (LGD) is to facilitate State Departments to update the directory   software applications, the same code can be linked to LGD
         with newly formed panchayats/local bodies, re-organization in   code.
         panchayats, conversion from Rural to Urban area and provide

         the same information for use in the public domain.

              Figure: 3- Structure of Local Government Directory, developed by MoPR
                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Policy Efforts by MoPR to strengthen PRIs
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