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Table 4.1: Indicators on which MoPR has started getting data at GP level from the Ministries

                                                             Data Source
           Data Source in   Indicator in NIF/  Indicator in NIF/  in NIF/          Metadata for NIF/SDGII
             NIF/SDGII           SDGII           SDGII
                                                                SDGII       Numerator     Denominator    Multiplier
         National Family and  Percentage of   Percentage of   GP(ASHA/    Number of      Total pregnant     100
         Health Survey     pregnant women    pregnant women   AWW/ICDS)   pregnant and   and lactating
         (NFHS)            aged 15-49 years   aged 15-49 years            lactating mothers  mothers
                           who are anaemic    who are anaemic             who are anemic

         National Sample   Percentage of     Percentage of     GP(RD)     Number of HHs   Total HHs         100
         survey-76th round    households living   households living       living in Kutcha
                           in katcha houses    in katcha houses           House
                           Percentage of     Percentage of                Children aged 0-  Number of       100
                           children under five  children under            59 months who   children in age
                           years who are     five years who               are underweight   group 0-59
                           underweight       are underweight                             months
                           Percentage of     Percentage of                Children under 5  Number of       100
         Comprehensive     children under five   adolescents aged   GP    years who are   children in age
         National Nutrition   years who are   10-19 years who   (MoH&FW/  stunted        group 0-59
         Survey            stunted           are anaemic        WCD)                     months
                           Percentage of     Ratio  of male-              Number of      Total number of    100
                           adolescents aged 15 female enrolled in         Adolescent (15-  adolescent girls
                           -19 years who are   Higher Secondary           19) Girls who are
                           anaemic           - Child                      anaemic
         All India Survey on   Gender Parity   Ratio  of male-  GP(School)   Number of   Number of male     100
         Higher Education    Index (GPI) for   female enrolled in         Female enrolled   enrolled in
                           higher education   Higher Secondary            in Higher      Higher
                           (18-23 years      - Child                      Secondary      Secondary
         National Crime    Rate of crimes    Rate of all Crime  GP (survey to  Number of cases  Mid-year    100
         Records Bureau -   against women per  Against Women   be conducted)  registered under   female
         Crime in India 2019   1,00,000 female   per 1000 women           crime against   population
                           population                                     women

         duplication of data collection, reduce the unnecessary work that   methodology for such surveys etc is to be used and applied for
         would arise, make the process of access and use of data much   such indicators/data collection, on regular basis. The SDGII and
         easier.  Consequently,  identification  of  what  data  collection   various other Indexes, assessment  mechanisms, and Statistical

         needs to be done in the Gram Panchayat would emerge.    Reports use Survey as a method for data collection. Given in the
                                                                Table above are a list of Surveys being drawn on for the SDGII.
         Data  collection  in  certain  indicators  would  be  possible  only
         through Surveys and Focused Group Discussions, due to the   The  SDG  India  Index  uses  State  level  data  drawn  from
         nature of the indicator. Typically, Crimes against Women and   Ministries,  Surveys  (eg.NFHS,  etc),  many  of  which  are  not
         Girls  fall  in  this  category.  Functioning  of  toilets  in  schools,   having Gram Panchayat level data. Though the NIF & LIF are
         public  places,  availability  of  water  etc  call  for  different  data   on  similar  lines,  the  data  cannot  be  collected  for  the  LIF
         collection on a 24X7 basis, to reflect the true picture. Suitable   Indicators  that  feature  there,  but  are  not  available  with  the

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