Page 179 - PDI_Report
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Existing IT initiatives and on going efforts especially in Ensure the data is made available as standardized open
MoPR, need to be leveraged and natural flows in and out of data;
different applications made automatic and easy for the
Capacity building for PRIs and State Departments
users. eGramSwaraj, may be the hub of the entire LSDG
concerned; NIC would need to work with the State NIC
and PDI connecting to various apps, various spokes;
units and the NIC units in different Ministries and
Provide link of LIF and PDI to GPDP and other Departments to take forward all the requisite work in the
applications of MoPR; LSDGs and PDI;
Draft API for exchanging data for thematic computations Interact with various key players such as NITI Aayog,
for PDI from portals and data of various Ministries and Ministries, State Governments, District Collectors and
Departments including indicators and data points ; establish links to SDGII dashboard and State dashboards;
GIS based presentation and application of PDI for use by States may have developed their own portals and
GPs at GP level, hamlet and household level, and data applications for LSDGs and LIF (may be for PDI, also). To
presented in GIS for various levels; the extent relevant and useable the data can be drawn with
due authentication (most likely, same system of
Layering existing GIS presentations of different Ministries
authentication as placed by State Government would be
for GP use as required / or developing them to provide the
used for authentication by MoPR) to avoid duplication of
information for spatial planning. For example the use of
work for the field functionaries / data collectors. The same
Gram Manchitra, Bhuvan portal, GIS maps of DWS,
rule is then being applied as for use of API for Ministry
PMGSY on GIS etc need to come together in ways of use
data, GIS and other features, and similarly from specific
to the GP and different levels of users;
States, who have forged ahead with IT based monitoring
Existing IT initiatives and on going efforts
and work flow systems connected to LSDGs and PRIs. It
especially in MoPR, need to be leveraged and LIF
would not be fair or correct to ask States to redo or
and PDI linked to GPDP and other.
undervalue their efforts. There is a lot States learn from
The Bhuvan Panchayat Portal provides GIS data relating each other and the Centre learns from States. It is a two
to Panchayat boundaries, soil information, groundwater way flow of knowledge development, not just top down;
potential, forest and watershed boundary and the geo- States best practices in use of IT for LSDGs and PDI can
tagged assets of the Panchayats. NIC has to facilitate this
be appraised and recognized.
use into the PDI related work;
Gram Panchayats
Suggest Data Templates for Data entry and PDI Analysis;
The Gram Panchayats have the prime responsibility of
Data Analysis and Visualization for PDI; achieving the SDGs and their ownership of the SDG agenda is
of vital importance. The Panchayats are responsible for the
Connecting of activities carried out by Gram Panchayats
delivery of critical public services including water supply,
for continuous data updation of PDI inputs and progress;
sanitation, internal roads, health, education and nutrition etc.
PDI dashboard; The localized SDGs provide an opportunity to PRIs to integrate
Help MOPR in making Provision for Data Storage; the economic, social, and environmental concern by inter-
sectoral convergence and effective implementation of said
The Gram Panchayats have the prime responsibility of
achieving the SDGs and their ownership of the SDG
agenda is of vital importance
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Role of different Stakeholders for PDI 153