Page 177 - PDI_Report
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Jointly with the GP and its Committees, evolving specific for it can be developed by them, as one of their greatest
plans, developing processes and involving in activities that strengths is in developing such catchy and appealing material.
are required for improving the indicator; They can also bring out the documents on progress, including
the Children’s report Card, and support MoPR in standardizing
Participating in the GPDP, ensuring these plans are
it and also preparing the dashboard for the Child friendly village
integrated into the GPDP;
with the LIF and Thematic scores incorporated therein.
Attending the Gram Sabha and neighborhood meetings and UNICEF also has a strong WASH unit. Just as the INGOs and
Committee meetings of the GP to inform and work with NGOs can add value by re-orienting their work correlating to
them to deliver together better for the people; the LSDG and measures through LIF and PDI, and assist in
preparation of GPDP, the INGOs can be urged to do the
To update on the progress at regular intervals;
Beyond working with the GP, the functionaries can share
their successful work with other functionaries and at Institutions
The biggest support needs to come from the Unnat Bharat
forums that would enable spreading the good work done.
Abhiyan. They have been part of discussions with MoPR and
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) participated in workshops, mostly presenting their work. The
The NGOs working in the GP area can orient their involvement movement from their work to joint working for GPs’ needs and
in supporting the GPs in the sector of their work in connection outcomes is required to be done in their working on GPDP,
with PDI and LIF. They can take up capacity building for data village needs assessment and awareness support programmes.
and analysis and use of data for planning in GPDP; (perhaps the Given the institutional backing, they need to work on the core
NGOs themselves would need to understand on how their role area of LIF and PDI and build it into their work in rural areas.
can serve the LSDGs and work on the strategy of use of LIF Seeing the process from the perspective of the GP and their
and PDI for development in the GP. At national, regional, state needs for enabling improvement to PDI of the GP, the UBA
and sub-state levels workshops with NGOs may be organised work can easily incorporate this in its programme and make it a
by MoPR / SIRD / DC). necessary part of their work in the GPs.
Non-Governmental Organizations and International Others
Organizations Whichever GPs have corporates or Millers’ association,
Organisations like UNICEF, UNFPA and others have used data Truckers association, shopkeepers association, other
in the preparation of their Reports and also look at specific organisations etc in their vicinity or in the GP, they can extend
indicators. For eg. On health and women empowerment. Some specific program support for indicators needing attention, and
of these organisations have also entered into MoU with MoPR also utilize their analytical team (especially with corporates),
to extend their support to the LSDGs with PRIs in the area of for assisting and working with select GPs.
their expertise, or as per their mandate. UNICEF in particular
has already contributed to the development of the Child friendly
local governance under its own annual plans, and they can focus
on this area of work and move to the concept of Child friendly
village, with use of the LIF, and action plan for it and integrate
it into the on-going and future work. Appropriate IEC material
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Role of different Stakeholders for PDI 151