Page 176 - PDI_Report
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Identify any additional Panchayat level SDG targets and Training and capacity building for PDI;
indicators, specific to their State/UT in consultation with
Setting teams in place, reviewing and monitoring progress;
State Planning Department, line departments, Panchayat
Officials and PR elected representatives; (States were Using the indicators and scores for programme delivery
already shared the framework and meetings have been held and correlating the GPDP to the sectoral and schematic
by the Committee and MoPR has also asked for the plans and the indicator scores, thematic scores;
remarks of the States)
Identifying GPs that need attention and those that can be
Correlate the Panchayat level LIF with the SIF; front runners;
States and districts can incorporate PDI and LIF for Planning and working on strategic approach to the
monitoring the progress of various initiatives/schemes of Thematic achievements; and
the government at GP level;
Achieving SDGs in the rural areas of the district along with
Use the measurement and incremental progress in PDI, and the PRIs.
LIF for incentivizing the GPs; The authority of the DC and what can be delivered in the
field is perhaps unparalled.
States may also take various initiatives such as develop
village level digitized maps showing data on variables and These are just some mentioned. Everything that needs to be
supply to Panchayat for spatial planning, use better done can be done by the DC. Even developing the technology
visualization tools, and analytical methods etc. platform, if required. District Bandipore, Jammu & Kashmir,
has prepared a document in 2019, for calculation of PDI with 81
District Administration
outcome indicators, on 6 Themes, using the frame similar to the
The most important level that can make a huge difference in the aspirational districts of NITI Aayog and modified as per their
GPs is the District Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ District felt need for the State. In sum, if the District administration
Magistrate who heads the district administration. The team gets going with the use of PDI with LSDGs with PRIs,
Aspirational Districts programme of NITI Aayog aimed at 112 target achievement much before 2030 can be taken to be
backward districts in the country chose to work with that level guaranteed.
directly. The role of the DC covers the entire gamut of the work
on LSDGs and PDI, every step of the way. The authority of the Field functionaries
DC and what can be delivered is perhaps unparalled. The field functionaries of different departments from district
The role of the DC covers the entire gamut of the work on level to cutting edge last level functionary need to be sensitized,
LSDGs and PDI, every step of the way. while also having an effective monitoring system for what they
are to deliver on. The expectation from the Ministry/
The DC can bring the convergence required and effectively
Department and State Government which is connected to the
work on the PDI;
working with the GP, connected to the field, falls in their
Use it as a statistical and management tool to deepen domain.
development intervention and provide the enabling
Data being made available for GP and its Committees to
environment for GPs;
work on; (Data here refers to validated data)
Identifying data source, ensuring data collection as per Identifying the indicators and areas needing attention in
their sphere of work;
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Role of different Stakeholders for PDI 150