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updated  Guidelines  for  Development  of  SDGs  State  Indicator   MoSPI  is  represented  in  the  Committee  on  preparation  of
         Framework  (SIF).  The  publication  facilitates  and  assists  State   Panchayat Development Index (PDI) based on the indicators of

         Governments  in  the  development  and  refinement  of  the  sub-  LIF.
         national   level   monitoring   framework   by   providing
                                                                   The role played by MoSPI for the SDGII for NITI Aayog,
         comprehensive  guidance.  The  report  also  provides  the
                                                                    and support to State governments, needs to be done for the
         challenges being faced by States/UTs in monitoring of SDGs at
                                                                    MoPR.  Here  is  a  Ministry  of  the  GoI,  that  is  actively
         sub-national level along with the best practices being followed
                                                                    working on localising SDGs in the 3rd Tier of Government.
         in  the  States/UTs  for  SDG  monitoring.  MoSPI  is  regularly
                                                                    MoSPI  has  to  substantially  increase  its  technical  support
         providing technical assistance to Central Ministries and States/
                                                                    and  fully  involve  with  the  MoPR  and  the  processes  for
         UTs  on  the  SDGs  monitoring  related  matters  in  the  form  of
                                                                    institutionalising  LIF  and  PDI.  MoSPI  needs  to  take
         meetings, workshops, conferences etc.
                                                                    ownership for the PDI and LIF, in the true sense as it has
         The  gist  of  these  guiding  principles  for  development  of  State   done for NIF and SIF.
         Indicator Framework (SIF) is as under:
                                                                   It  is  to  cover  all  aspects  for  data  collection,  including
           SIF is to be prepared in a participatory manner         developing  appropriate  survey  formats,  bringing  out  the
                                                                    survey results at granular level of GP, provide the data for
           SIF should complement the overall development strategy of
                                                                    calculation of the indicators, take forward the  mechanism
            the State
                                                                    for  computing  the  PDI,  and  further  developments  in
           SIF should be in sync with NIF                          measuring progress on different angles.

           States  /UTs,  while  developing  SIF,  may  adopt/adapt  the      Present  the  LIF  and  PDI  for  use  of  the  GP,  Panchayat
            indicators from NIF as per their priorities and requirement   Samiti,  District  Panchayat,  different  Ministries,  State  and
                                                                    district  to  use  as  evidence  for  planning,  programme  and
           SIF should take into account existing efforts by MoSPI and
            other Central Ministries in related policy areas to minimize   policy, correlating to relevant data.
            their data burden                                      Capitalising on the work of MoPR, reaching the PRIs and
                                                                    directly  enabling  grassroot  changes,  needs  to  be  done  by
           SIF can be viewed as Sub-Set Plus of the NIF
                                                                    MoSPI. MoSPI efforts to convince  States to prepare SIF,
           SIF should be manageable                                weighed  against  the  support  to  MoPR  as  needed  for
                                                                    reaching  the  GPs,  and  full  scope  of  PDI,  would  tilt  the
           SIF may be aligned with States’ Budgetary Framework
                                                                    balance  very  heavily  to  MoPR  and  the  GPs,  if  MoSPI
         The exact same guiding principles have been followed for the
                                                                    manpower constraints are raised as issue.
         development  of  the  LIF  leading  to  the  PDI.  Replacing  in  the
                                                                   MoSPI’s experience and expertise in international practices
         above, SIF by LIF, would be literally and factually correct.
                                                                    for  data  and  with  the  UNDESA  can  both  put  them  into
                                                                    practise  for  rural  India  as  well  as  provide  new  areas  of
           MoSPI needs to take ownership for the PDI and LIF, in
                                                                    work on SDGs for MoSPI that can be presented by MoSPI
               the true sense as it has done for NIF and SIF.
                                                                    as  the  role  MoSPI  has  played  in  localising  SDGs  at  the
                                                                    fundamental unit level.

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