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The  SDGs  are  not  legally  binding.  India  is  a  signatory  to  the   level. It suggests actions through the lens of beneficiaries, and
         UN Agenda 2030 resolution. Though not enforceable, it is an   the development at level of gram panchayat, using a basket of
         international  obligation.  Countries  are  expected  to  take   Indicators, along 9 Themes of relevance to life in rural areas. It
         ownership  and  establish  a  national  framework  for  achieving   instils  a  sense  of  cross-learning  and  a  healthy  spirit  of
         these goals, in envisioning the national/ sub-national priorities,   competition  among  villages,  thus  spurring  aspirations  for
         set goals and targets and take requisite development action. The   growth and prosperity.
         2030 Agenda also underscored the fact that quality, reliable and
                                                                For delivering on SDGs by and with the third tier of local self-
         disaggregated  data  would  be  needed  for  measurement  of
                                                                government, the PRIs, the MoPR has taken 9 context specific
         progress on the targets and for ensuring that  “No One is Left
                                                                thematic areas, consisting of relevant targets and indicators for
                                                                Localization  of  SDGs  (LSDGs).    The  localized  SDG  targets
         Implementation  and  success  will  depend  on  countries’  own   along with the measurable indicators, guide the Panchayats in
         sustainable  development  policies,  plans  and  programmes,  and   formulation of GPDP to deliver on SDGs. The targets link local
         approach to localizing the SDGs and taking thinking globally to   development  efforts  with  the  State  and  National  level.    This
         acting  locally,  involving  all  levels  of  government  in  a   Local Indicator Framework is in line with the National Indicator
         participative process. Ownership not just at country level but at   Framework  (NIF)  for  LSDGs.  It  is  so  designed  that  the    PDI
         all levels, including people themselves.               data  from the Local Indicator Framework developed for Gram
                                                                Panchayats  will  feed  into  DIF,  SIF  and  then  into  NIF,  either
          We  reaffirm  the  key  role  of  all  levels  of  government  and   directly or in reflection of the outcomes that are developmental
          legislative bodies in promoting sustainable development. We   goals at local level and feed into National and Global targets.
          further  acknowledge  efforts  and  progress  made  at  the  local
                                                                The  indicators  have  potential  to  reorient  domestic  spending
          and subnational levels, and recognize the important role that
                                                                priorities.  It  serves  as  a  management  tool  to  help  the  State
          such  authorities  and  communities  can  play  in  implementing
                                                                Panchayati Raj Department and MoPR to strengthen the PRIs
          sustainable development, including by engaging citizens and
                                                                in delivering on sustainable development, while also providing
          stakeholders and providing them with relevant information, as
                                                                evidence  that  will  draw  the  various  governmental  agencies  at
          appropriate,  on  the  three  dimensions  of  sustainable
                                                                national,  state,  district  levels  as  well  as  field  functionaries  to
          development.  We  further  acknowledge  the  importance  of
                                                                greater focus and accountability on their roles in the enabling
          involving  all  relevant  decision  makers  in  the  planning  and
                                                                ecosystem,  and  programme  activities  as  per  guidelines  and
          implementation of sustainable development policies.
                                                                executive  instructions  for  achieving  targets  and  higher

                                                                development levels.
         Resolution  adopted  in  the  UN  General  Assembly  while
         adopting the 2030 Agenda September 2015 from the Resolution   Database for PDI
         adopted by the General Assembly on 27 July 2012 ‘The Future   The  entire  planning  exercise  requires  collection  and
                                                                maintenance  of  data  sets  as  per  LIF.  For  this,  each  Gram
         We Want’.
                                                                Panchayat      needs  to      maintain  village  level  theme  wise,
         The approach towards measuring the overall development of a
                                                                indicator  wise,  data  point  wise  data.  Therefore,  a  robust
         country  starts  at  a  unit  level.  When  governing  the  rural
                                                                statistical system is required at Panchayats level. This database
         landscape,  panchayat  becomes  the  first  unit  of  action.  The
                                                                is (in most part), the huge volume of data collected by different
         overall progress in a citizen's quality of life can be measured by
                                                                government Departments, and by the GP themselves, and that
         how  well  the  panchayats  perform  through  various  evidence-
                                                                which  has  to  be  now  used  for  arriving  at  the  value  of  the
         based inputs and outputs. PDI is one such attempt to  monitor
                                                                Indicator and regularly monitoring its progress.
         the  inputs,  activities,  outputs  and  outcomes  at  the  grassroots

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