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   data sharing and enabling the APIs;

                                                                   providing  data  at  the  granular  levels  of  GP,  hamlet  and

                                                                   sharing the visualized data and GIS of the indicators;

                                                                   involve  in  the  process  of  data  collection  with  data
                                                                    validation as required, for data and indicators connected to
                                                                    the Ministry/Department;

                                                                   standardization  of  data  commonly  used  at  GP  level,  and
                                                                    from  GP  area,  for  all  Ministries  and  Departments  to
                                                                    commonly  access  (eg  data  on  GP  population  profile,
                                                                    households, area, facilities, etc);

                                                                   All  the  line  departments  including  Census  and  Survey
                                                                    Agencies need to use LGD codes while collecting data and
                                                                    strictly  follow  e-  governance  standards  and  publish  their
         Central Ministries                                         updated    data  on    “Open  data    platform”  to  enable  the
                                                                    Panchayats to access  it;
         The various Ministries in GoI have mapped the schemes with
         SDGs  and  targets  and  provide  data  for  the  National  Indicator      Priority  should  be  given  to  data  whose  utility  is  time
         Framework. The mapping exercise identified line ministries as   sensitive,  Real  time  information  will  be  useful  to  update
         Nodal Ministries making them responsible for each SDG Goal   PDI;
         and  other  participating  ministries  as  associated  Ministries.
                                                                   provide  funding  from  its  Monitoring  component  of
         MoPR has obtained the commitment of 26 Departments in 21
                                                                    Flagship  schemes/Missions  and  other  schemes  for  data
         Ministries to work in a whole of government approach with the
                                                                    systems  establishment  and  surveys  covering  relevant
         PRIs for localizing the SDGs through achieving the 9 Themes
                                                                    indicators of the sector;
         and Joint Advisories have been signed and issued for action by
         GoI,  State  Governments  and  field  personnel.  Joint  Advisories      effective  communication  to  the  States  and  the  field
         are  placed  in  Annexure-X.  These  Ministries  have  during    personnel to involve fully in the work and use of PDI and
         discussions  with  the  Committee  also    identified    relevant   LIF as a management tool and for evidence for the plans at
         indicators  for  monitoring.  MoPR  has  also  had  series  of   GP level under the schemes;
         Meetings  on  LSDGs  and  has  amongst  others  covered  data
                                                                   working  out  plans  for  improvement  in  the  Indicators
         sharing  and  capacity  building  in  conducting  a  series  of  SDG
                                                                    through appropriate intervention and action, with ensuring
         workshops where the Ministries/Departments have participated,
                                                                    GPDP integration;
         and in particular in AKAM of the MoPR, where sessions were
         also  chaired  by  the  Ministry/Department  heads  and  senior      providing  a  link  to  PDI  in  relevance  to  the  work  of  the
         officials.  In  the  context  of  PDI,  the  Ministries  have  very   Ministry, at various levels; and

         important role in:
                                                                   reviewing the progress in the critical areas for PDI jointly
                                                                    with MoPR regularly.

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