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The PDI is a management tool that provides evidence      The  line  departments  need  to  segregate  village  level  data
            that will draw the various governmental agencies at     available  with  them    and  share    with      concerned  Gram
               national, state, district levels as well as field
                                                                    Panchayats  to  cross-check  its  accuracy and reliability;
            functionaries to greater focus and accountability on
           their roles in the enabling ecosystem, and programme      Take  up  capacity  building  for  the  field  personnel
           activities as per guidelines and executive instructions   specifically on data, LIF and PDI;
            for achieving targets and higher development levels      Create  a  team  that  will  spearhead  this  work  in  the  State,

                                                                    along with district and block teams;
         State Governments
                                                                   Co-ordinate  working  of  the  SDGCC  in  the  State  with
         States  have  the  power  and  mandate  to  design  and  execute
                                                                    LSDGs and PDI;
         policies for all  SDGs and their associated targets. The States/
         UTs have designated the Department of Planning as the nodal      As  MoSPI  to  NITI  Aayog,  the  Economics  and  Statistics
         department for the implementation and monitoring of the SDGs.   department of the State can be given the responsibility to
         States have also mapped all CSS and State schemes to SDGs. A   work on the data, LIF and PDI;
         high-level  committee  on  SDGs  constituted  by  States  is  the
                                                                   State  may  designate  one  Nodal  Officer  at  each  Block  to
         prime institutional mechanism for providing strategic directions
                                                                    coordinate with Gram Panchayats and line department  for
         and reviewing the progress on SDGs and LSDGs. Many States
                                                                    creation and regular updation of  village level database;
         also  issued  guidelines  to  line  Departments  for  working  in
         convergence and supporting PRIs for achieving SDGs at local      Take up the baseline work of the PDI and update annually;
         level.  Many  States/UTs  have  come  out  with  State  Indicator
                                                                   Support  the  GPs  in  the  priority  indicators  and  Sankalp
         Framework (SIF) and some also District Indicator Framework
                                                                    chosen by them;
         (DIF). All States/UTs have responded to the LSDG work and
         States like Maharashtra, Punjab, UP, Kerala, J&K, Odisha, and      Facilitate preparation of GPDP based on indicator data and
         many  others  have  taken  the  9  Themes  forward  and  prepared   issues in the GP;
         State Action Plans, as well. States have started working also on
                                                                   Align the Village plans under different schemes as a true
         the LIF, and have looked at the framework to suit the priorities
                                                                    reflection of the need in the GP;
         of  the  State,  and  are  also  going  to  the  calculation  of  PDI,  as
         their further initiative. (The chapter on State’s initiatives covers      Align  the  Block  and  District  plan  to  the  evidence  that  is
         more on this). Specifically on the PDI, some key areas of work   presented  by  the  PDI,  for  various  flagship  schemes,  and
         for the States/ UTs:                                       consequently the State plan;

            Ensure data availability by identifying the data source for      Assess the progress in GPs on the LIF framework;
            all the data points for the PDI from the Panchayat databases
                                                                   Document the progress on the PDI work in the State;
            and statistical system of the line departments;
                                                                   Use  the  PDI  in  the  training  programmes  for  all  levels  of
            Undertake  surveys  wherever  required  as  per  the  PDI  and
                                                                    ERs of the State;
            LIF guidelines;
                                                                   PDI  use  for  evidence  based  decision  making,  policy  and
            Standardization and validation systems to be established (as
                                                                    programmes design in GPs;
            per guidelines, wherever available, or by State themselves
            –  eg.  West  Bengal  system  of  data  validation  through  the   Create a team that will spearhead this work in the State,
                                                                          along with district and block teams;
            ‘para baithak’ method);

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