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sharing  among  e-Governance  systems.  All  the  Government
         “Digital India”- guidelines for maintaining digital:
                                                                agencies  including  PRIs  are  required  to  follow  the  IEFG

         The  “Digital  India”  programme  launched  by  GoI,  aims  at   framework while designing their databases.
         digitally  empowering  the  country  by  improving  online   Open data Initiatives of GoI:
         infrastructure  for  e-governance.  The  important  guidelines  &
                                                                Structured data available for public access is termed as  “Open
         policies of this program are briefly described below.
                                                                Data”.  The  objective  of  the  open  data  is  to  provide  proactive
                                                                access  to  Government  owned  shareable  data  along  with  its
                                                                usage information in machine readable format (Ex: XML/ XLS/
                                                                ODS etc.), through a wide area network across the country. The
                                                                National Informatics Centre has set up Open Government Data
                                                                Platform ( This Platform has been developed
                                                                on the principles of Open Source and Open API policy of Govt.
                                                                of India and is hosted on the National Data Centre infrastructure
                                                                facility  at  NIC  HQ,  New  Delhi.  This  facility  is  offered  to  all
                                                                government  department  including  Panchayati  Raj  Institution
         Meta data & Data Standard (MDDS):
         The “meta data” means data about data, which is a structured   through Software as a Service (SaaS) model.
         information  about  a  “resource”  (any  electronic  document).
                                                                National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy:
         Metadata  serves  the  same  function  as  a  “label.”  The  “Data
                                                                As  part  of  digital  India  Program,  and  in  order  to  make
         Standards” is a data dictionary that holds information about data
                                                                government  data  accessible  to  all  users,  the  Ministry  of
         items  used  in  e-governance  applications.  Standard  Operating
                                                                Communications and Information Technology has brought out
         Protocols  (SOPs)  for  data  standardization  necessitate  regular
                                                                National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP). The
         updation  of  data,  track  compliance  among  departments  to
                                                                NDSAP  aims  at  democratizing  access  of  government  data
         ensure  users  can  make  sense  of  similar  data  from  different
                                                                resources to foster innovation, improve delivery of government
         sources.  The  Data  Standards  help  in  efficient  exchange  and
                                                                information  besides  promoting  transparency,  accountability.
         processing of data. As per “e-governance standards” prescribed
                                                                Under  the  ambit  of  Open  Data  Initiative  of  Government  of
         by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology , all the
                                                                India,  all  Ministries  and  the  line  departments  including  PRIs
         government  departments  including  Panchayats  have  to  adopt
                                                                have  to  mandatorily  publish  all  the  sharable  non-sensitive
         relevant  data  standards.  The  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  has
                                                                datasets in open format on the Open Government Data (OGD)
         already notified the Panchayat level Meta data & Data Standard
                                                                Platform for easy use by stakeholders.
         (MDDS) (
         Interoperability Framework for e-Governance (IFEG):

         Most  of  the  e-Governance  systems  &  databases  were
         established to meet the specific requirements of the individual
         departments. They are generally not interoperable. The Ministry
         of  Communications  and  Information  Technology  has  brought
         out the “Interoperability Framework” which establish technical
         specifications  for  data  formats  and  protocols  for  information

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