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Best  Practices  in  States  on  Development  of  Local  Indicator  Framework  for  Actualisation  of  Sustainable
         Development Gaols at Local Level.

         The  Committee  during  the  course  of  its  proceedings  and   Gujarat,  Jammu  &  Kashmir,  Jharkhand,  Karnataka,  Kerala,
         deliberations had interaction with the States on their identifying   Maharashtra,  Manipur,  Mizoram,  Nagaland,  Odisha,  Punjab,
         the  Local  Indicator  Framework  (LIF)  and  or  development  of   Rajasthan,  Tamilnadu,  Telangana,  Tripura,  Uttar  Pradesh,
         Panchayat  specific  indices  for  implementation  and  or   Uttarakhand  and  West  Bengal.  The  Minutes  of  the  Meeting,
         monitoring  the  progress  of  localisation  of  SDGs.  This  is  also   13   PDI  Committee  Meeting,  is  available  in  the
         further  to  the  National  Writeshop  held  in  July  2022,  where   Annexure-VII. However, illustratively the status of a few States
         States mentioned about the progress they have made and plans   has been compiled. This is based on information made available
         for localisation of SDGs. The Committee interacted virtually on   to the Committee from the State and inputs from MoPR.
         28   September,  2022  with  the  States  of  Arunachal  Pradesh,
          (I) The Case of West Bengal

         The State of West Bengal is the one of the leading States in India adopting the system of inclusive and participatory local planning
         model  towards  sustainable  development  goals,  and  orienting  it  to  the  Localization  of  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (LSDGs)
         initiative of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR).  The provision of ‘Para Baithak’ for people’s participation is envisaged as an
         effective  and  powerful  forum  for  data  validation  and  participatory  planning  for  Gram  Panchayat  development.  For  this,  the
         Government of West Bengal introduced the Digitization of the primary data system captured in Peoples’ Campaign for GPDP from
         FY  2022-23.  This  Digitized  system  will  help  in  preparing  the  Gram  Panchayat-wise  Local  Human  Development  Index  Report
         (LHDI), where information will be automatically compiled, analyzed and shall identify the critical gaps at each theme of
         9  LSDGs.  The  real  data  of  stages  of  participatory  planning  will  be  captured  through  Mobile-Application  to  ensure  real-time
         participation of community during the preparation of the plan.

         Mapping of SDG Themes with Sub-Committees/Standing Committees
         The  9  LSDG  themes  have  been  mapped  with  corresponding  Standing  Committees/Sub-Committees  of  three-tier  Panchayats.
         Standing Committee-wise / Sub-committees-wise Panchayats Development Plans for the financial year 2023-24 will be prepared on
         adopting thematic approaches.

         Shifting from Sector based Indicator to Theme based Indicator
         A new set of questionnaire are being prepared based on Theme based Indicator developed by MoPR and sector-wise Indicator of the
         State. Most of the questionnaires already exist in Sector- wise data collection form. Few indicators have been excluded and few

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