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(V) The Case of Uttar Pradesh
         For  ensuring  Localization  of  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (LSDGs),  Panchayati  Raj  Department,  Govt.  of  Uttar  Pradesh  has
         issued directions/advisories to the Gram Panchayats (GPs) on Theme-3 i.e. Child-Friendly village and Theme-9 i.e. Women-Friendly

         The state has already amended the guidelines related to Gram   The progress in different States  has interesting and noteworthy
         Panchayat  Development  Plan  (GPDP)  in  2018  for  effective   points. The impact of the introduction of the 9 Themes LSDGs
                                                                as the vision  for the GPs has galvanised States and GPs. The
         integrated  planning  at  gram  panchayat  level,  which  included
                                                                interest  of  some  States  going  further  into  the  Panchayat  level
         some major aspects of women empowerment & child protection   Indicator  framework,  and  calculation  of  Index,  would  bring
         i.e. organization of Mahila Sabhas & Bal Sabhas in planning &   forth experiences and processes followed by them, that can be
         implementation of GPDP, provision of conducting minimum 3   shared and incorporated in the development of the manual and
                                                                guidelines  for  taking  forward  the  process  of  PDI  and  further
         Mahila Sabhas under Panchayati Raj act for ensuring effective
                                                                refining  it  continuously.  The  Index  calculation  by  Karnataka
         planning & implementation of development plan and meeting-  and further details of progress, issues and challenges,  may be
         wise detailed advisories for Mahila Sabhas & Bal Sabhas were   seen by MoPR.

         also issued to the GPs.                                The  National  level  Local  Indicator  Framework  that  is
                                                                prepared for PDI, can in its branches have scope for specific
         The  state  has  also  advised  panchayats  to  adopt  following   modifications for States use, so as to provide for States to add
         strategies for ensuring participation of women and children in   their  dimension,  for  their  use,  and  present  that  to  all.  In  this
         preparation  of  3  tier  panchayat  development  plans  with  the   context, ensuring data sharing and data portability, of data with
         support  of  line  departments  i.e.,  Women  &  Child,  Education,
                                                                integrity  for  use  of  States  and  Centre,  will  make  it  easier  to
         Women Welfare and Health:                              work for all concerned and establish link from GP to Block to
           1.  Ensure  100  percent  participation  of  women  elected   District to State to Centre on the platform of PDI.
             representatives and at least 50 percent beneficiaries under

             POSHAN Abhiyan in Mahila Sabhas & Bal Sabhas.

           2.  Mandatory  participation  of  Anganwadi  worker  (ICDS),
             representatives  from  Education  and  other  concerned  line

           3.  Discussion  on  Mahila  &  Bal  Sabha  related  panchayat

             ‘Sankalp’ in the Gram Sabha meetings.

           4.  Ensure 100 percent participation of Self –Help Groups and
             invite Panchayat Samiti members as special invitees.

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