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With regard to the computation of the Localised Sustainable Development Index at Gram Panchayat level, a pilot was taken up in 31
         GPs, one from each district. As a first step, a detailed toolkit on the Perspective Plan process and identifying the indicators to be used
         under different themes based on the availability of data at the grassroots level has been undertaken. This was followed by a detailed
         Indicator framework to be adopted at the village level for the exercise, in tune with the LSDGs. The next step was strategy to roll out
         the  capacity  building  activities  to  provide  information  to  all  ERs  and  officials  of  GPs.  The  State  planned  3-day  non-residential
         training programme commencing from September 2022 and covered all the stakeholders. These initiatives started from district to the
         lowest  level  educating  the  line  departments  also  on  the  need  to  participate  in  the  exercise.  Based  on  the  feedback  necessary
         modifications were carried out in the process and data formats in consultation with the respective line departments.
         Computing LSDGI - Methodology
         The methodology proposed is based on the earlier experience of the state in computing the Decentralised Sustainable Development
         Index under Backward Region Grant Funds (BRGF) project of the Ministry of Panchayat Raj, GoI during 2010. Subsequently, the
         State was the first to compute the Human Development Index for all the three tiers of Panchayat Raj Institutions between 2013 and
         2015. During the year 2015, the State computed the GP and Village level Human Development Index for 5,839 GPs and 27,000

         Under the LSDG initiative, the Expert Committee has already finalised the broad set of indicators and the same may be used for

         computing the LSDG Index. The detailed steps to be followed are as follows:

           The indicators have already been broadly categorised for each of the LSDG themes
           The data collected for the theme-wise indicators has to be used for calculating the index values. Computing the Index value
            would help in making the values unit-less and would allow summation of the index values of all the indicators for each of the
           The index values have to be calculated after identifying whether the indicators are positive or negative. This is done to make the
            index values unidirectional.

           The index value (in the case of a positive indicator) can be calculated using the formula:

           Index Value = (Actual Value – Min. Value) / (Max.Value – Min.Value)

           E.g.: calculations will be based on highest values being assigned highest ranking
           The index values  have to be  made unidirectional for negative indicators (e.g.; a Taluk  with lowest IMR  has to be assigned
            highest ranking) by using the following formula –

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