Page 186 - PDI_Report
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  All  the  line  departments  including  census  and  survey   time  information  updates  would  maximize  the  utility  the
            agencies need to use LGD codes (   public can obtain from this information.
            while  collecting  data  and  strictly  follow  e-governance
            standards  (  and  publish  their   Benefit of Open Government Data :
            updated data on “Open data platform” (    Release of all Panchayat Level Datasets including PDI data on
            to enable the Panchayats to access the village level digital   OGD  platform  will  benefit  the  Gram  Panchayats  by  reducing
            data online. It has to be ensured that the datasets published   the  burden  of  locating  information  –  both  for  internal  use,  as
            through  a  workflow  process  are  in  compliance  with   well as for responding to the Information needs of Panchayats
            NDSAP. The data contributed to the OGD Platform should   as  well  as  other  stakeholders.  It  will  expose  incorrect  and
            be  in  machine  readable  or  in  specified  open  data  format   outdated  data,  which  the  Panchayats  are  often  not  in  an  easy
                                                                position  to  detect.  It  will  help  citizens,  line  departments  and
                                                                SHGs  currently  working  in  convergence  with  Panchayats  for
           During GPDP trainings the Panchayat functionaries should   delivering on SDGs with greater transparency and, importantly,
            be  compulsorily  oriented  on  the  need  for  Panchayat   accountability.  Developing  the  PDI  in  all  its  aspects  from
            database,  the  sources  of  village  level  data  (both  physical
                                                                information  for  planning,  data  entry,  data  collection,  data
            and digital), the standard sets of data collection formats and
                                                                sharing,  Metadata  use,  Indicators,  Analysis,  Scores,  Themes,
            the  mode  of  accessing  available  data  etc.  and  uploading
                                                                PDI,  etc  all  need  to  be  in  line  with  these  aspects  of  Digital
            correct  and  accurate  PDI  data  on  OGD  platform.  Priority
                                                                India .
            should be given to data whose utility is time sensitive. Real

                                      "Nothing can stop the power of an informed
                                     citizenry when it is empowered, organized, and

                                                                        ~ Ralph Nader

                                      PDI Committee Report - 2023:Open Government Data (OGD) Platform              160
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