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Anganwadi  Centre  having  AWC  wise  data  &  up  the   Out of 688 data points the collection of data by the Gram
         hierarchy  Supervisor,  &  cross  linked  to  ASHA  worker,
         but  not  Gram  Panchayat  wise  totals;  and  where  scheme   Panchayats  have  collected  all  the  data  points.  The  raw
         funds  were  going  to  Gram  Panchayat,  it  was  available   data   and   indicator   values   can   be   seen
         Gram Panchayats wise - SBM, JJM MGNREGA. Adding        Annexure IV PoC Annexure-D. (
         MA, VPRP, and eGramSawraj, we can get a substantial    demo/resources/
         number of data points out of the 688. This work done by
         the  Maharashtra  Team  is  no  mean  feat.  It  is  rather    There  are  some  errors  that  are  still  seen  in  few  data
         extraordinary and to many may be unbelievable. But it is   points. Seeing it in perspective, it is miniscule, completely
         a  fact.  One  of  the  premises  to  go  into  the  collecting  of   can be overcome when the system is developed on a well-
         100%  data  in  the  field  was  this  strong  belief  in  the   designed  tech  platform  providing  ranges,  defining  the
         capacity  of  the  GPs,  in  the  volumes  of  data  that   fields  providing  system  validation  and  data  correctness
         government  units  have  been  working  with  in  the  field,   thereafter.  Combining  this  with  training  and  capacity
         which can be tapped for the purpose of use for PDI, and   building  for  data  collection,  and  checking  the  data
                                                                collected will ensure that these errors do not come into the
           One of the premises to go into the collecting        final  data  used  for  calculating  values  of  indicators,
          of 100% data in the field was this strong belief      thematic  scores  &  PDI  score.  Some  of  these  errors  that
           in the capacity of the GPs, in the volumes of        need attention are:
          data that government units have been working                 - Logics in system to make sure Denominator is
           with in the field, which can be tapped for the              not smaller than numerator.
                       purpose of use for PDI                          -  If  numerator  value  is  positive,  denominator
                                                                       cannot be Zero.
         consequent action.                                            - In case of ratio calculations, the overall ratio can
         The  challenge  of  whether  such  voluminous  data  can  be   be greater than 100.
         collected  has  been  shown  as  doable  by  most  of  the  30   In the data collected, some data points/indicators, method
         Gram  Panchayats  in  Maharashtra.  The  Field  Data   of  collection  needs  to  be  different,  as  it  is  not  all  so
         Collection  Report  is  placed  in  the  latter  part  of  this   straight forward. This stands out as '0' in almost all Gram
         Chapter  for  appreciation  of  the  process,  challenges  and   Panchayats except for theme 1. That these figures are not
         learnings for use when the PDI moves to scale up for the   correct would be accepted by all. And for this and certain
         country.                                               other  indicator  values  to  be  arrived  at,  survey  would  be
                                                                the best method.
                             Table 6.4: Sample list of data points/indicators under different Themes
         Sl. No:       Theme        GP Level Indicator

          1                         Percentage of poor women in SHGs as under PHH & AAY category

          2       Theme 1 Poverty   Percentage of persons in agriculture and allied sectors linked to Farmer Producers’
                  Free and          Organisation
          3                         Percentage of unemployed youth in the age group 15-24 who are neither in employment /
                  Livelihoods       training / Education
          4                         Number of persons directly affected (loss of livelihood, financial stress, house & property
                                    damage) attributed to disasters

          5                         Percentage of people using Tobacco / Alcohol
                  Theme 2
          6       Healthy Village   Percentage of children (0-3 years) with disabilities receiving Early Childhood

                                    PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                           85
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