Page 112 - PDI_Report
P. 112

Sl. No:       Theme        GP Level Indicator
          7                         Percentage of children (14-18 years) who are neither in school / training

          8                         Ratio of male-female enrolled in higher education, technical and vocational education up
                                    to 18 years

          9                         Whether the GP has play ground accessible to all children
                  Theme 3
          10      Child-Friendly    Percentage of Crime Committed against Children during the year
          11                        Whether the GP has taken any action to prevent child marriage

          12                        Whether Resolution of the Bal Sabha is discussed in Gram Sabha and incorporated in

          13                        Percentage of public schools where separate and functional toilets are available for girls

          14      Theme 4           Percentage of houses are having functional rainwater harvest mechanisms which are
                  Water Sufficient  maintained well
          15                        Percentage of community Toilets having water facility & soap for hand washing.

          16                        Whether the Scientific disposal / recovery of non-biodegradable wastes (plastic, glass,
                  Theme 5           metal, etc.) is practiced
                  Clean and Green
          17                        Is there a committee functioning in the GP for environmental conservation?
          18                        Whether GP  building has  Clean Toilets
          19                        If PHC/HSC is there, then whether the PHC/HSC has Adequate water supply with water
                  Theme 6
                  Village with Self  storage facility
          20                        If Livestock Aid center is not there, Whether the GP has facility center for Livestock with
                                    Adequate water supply &water storage facility
          21      Theme 7           Did GP make efforts to provide palliative care to the needy?
                  Socially Just &
                  Socially Secured
          22                        Percentage of committees /CBO involved in GPDP Planning
                  Theme 8 Village
          23      with Good         Percentage of Youth and Children participation in at least in one IEC
          24                        Whether the List of works taken up in the GP displayed at the GP office
          25                        Percentage of currently married women (15-49 years) who use any modern family
                                    planning methods

          26      Theme 9 Women  Proportion of women  (aged 30-49) screened under the NCD programme for cervical/
                  Friendly Village   breast cancer

          27                        Percentage of women (aged 16-60) received Government benefits in last 5 years for
                                    enhancing income (Including SHG, skill Training, FPOs cow, goat etc.,)

                                               PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                       86
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