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all portals the field personnel, enter what all data needs to
         Grouping of Indicators (Grouped Indicators)            be seen in the field and this matrix would provide a full
         To make it easier and bring out the correlation between   view  for  drawing  data,  and  standardising  repeatedly
         indicators on a certain area of work, the indicators within   entered  data.  This  could  not  be  done  by  the  Committee
         a  Theme  have  been  grouped,  so  that,  the  actions  taken   due to inadequate support though this was flagged early as
         when taken together on all connected indicators will have   necessary to be done. The Report would have given more
         greater effect.  Also, what will be the outcomes if action is   clear  numbers  if  it  were  done  as  discussed  in  the
         taken on an indicator can be seen. For e.g.: under Theme   Committee Meeting. This comprehensive exercise should
         2 Healthy Village, the grouping of 23 indicators has been   be done by MoPR and also by the Main Training team for
         made  into  4  groups  -  Maternal  Health  (6),  Child  Health   Ministry of Panchayati Raj and then by the pilot team in
         (8), Communicable Diseases (4), and Non- communicable   each  State,  which  experience  will  enable  for  better
         Diseases  (4)and  GP  spending  (1).  This  grouping  also   understanding of all data in the field, whom to get it from
         would help the Health Department look at the trends and   and  where  it  is  being  entered,  leading  to  also  data
         address  the  group  as  a  whole  and  also  position  its  IEC   validation to be done by whom all. It was done to some
                                                                extent while collecting data.
         with the Indicators grouped, thereunder;
         For  Theme  3,  Child  Friendly  Village,  the  4  pillars  of   Indicators to Data Points
         Survival, Development, Protection and Participation have   The LIF has 577 indicators. Step 1, the repeat indicators
         been used;                                             were  identified.  Step  2  the  Metadata  of  the  unique
                                                                indicators  was  used  to  identify  repeat  numerators  and
         In  Theme  8,  Good  Governance,  the  5T  framework  of
         Teamwork,  Technology,  Timeline,  Transparency,  and   repeat   denominators.   Unique   numerators   and
         Transformation is used in grouping.                    denominators were arrived at. Thus, the data points were
                                                                identified. The data source  of  these  data  points that had
         Classification  of  indicators  into  sub-groups  for  all  other   been  already  identified  in  the  LIF,  seen  in  earlier  field
         themes are attached in Annexure-I, Table-11.           visit  of  the  Committee  and  refined  down  to  specific
                                                                where,  who,  how,  by  Dr.  Kalshetti's  team,  was  used,  to
         Block, District and State level PDI
                                                                list  the  data  points  to  be  collected  source  wise.  Rather
         Indicators  at  Block  level  are  calculated  using  weighted   than Theme wise, it is Source wise data collection that is
         average  with  population  of  the  Gram  Panchayat  as  the   much easier, avoids repeat visits to the same source, and
         weight. The average value of the Indicator for the Block   makes it far more efficient.
         has been arrived at. Same principle is used for Grouped
         Indicator at Block level as well as for Thematic score and   There were 14 Data sources identified:
         PDI at Block level.                                    The Data entry formats were designed by the Maharashtra
         District  and  State  level  calculations  on  similar  basis  of   Team. This was done by Shri Anil Bagate, Gram Sevak,
         weighted  mean,  weighted  on  population  of  districts  has   Wadebolhai  GP,  Haveli  Block,  Pune  District,  a  non-
         been done.                                             technical  person,  and  Shri  Sridhar  Kulkarni,  Extension
                                                                Officer  (Agriculture)  Sangali  District,  who  understood
         Data Availability
                                                                field  needs  and  possibilities,  and  were  ready  and
         The PDI is naturally dependent on the data points for the   committed to working on the PoC for PDI. The opening
         indicator  values.  While  such  information  on  Themes  &   screen of the data entry sheets (Prepared by Maharashtra
         Indicators  will  be  very  useful  for  the  Gram  Panchayat,   Team) is placed below.
         missing is pointed as data availability (Non-availability).
                                                                These  14  Sources  data  entry  formats  are  given  in
         Committee  in  its  discussions  with  Ministries  found  that   Annexure-IV-B   (
         data is limited to what is monitored at what level, but also   resources/Annexure_B_PoC.pdf).  In  future  development,
         found that the embedded LGD code or putting in the LGD   these source wise detailed data entry formats, need to be
         code,  can  give  large  number  of  data  points  for  drawing   made more visually appealing making it easier also. They
         directly  from  the  huge  volumes  of  administrative  data   can also be placed in order of related data points that have
         available  with  Ministries/Departments.  Which  portals   a  flow,  as  will  be  appearing  generally  in  the  Registers
         capture which data is an exercise to be completed.  Which   being maintained (ICDS Registers are standardised across

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