Page 114 - PDI_Report
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Theme        Binary      Absolute Number      Percentage    Grand Total
                              T4            8                                22             30
                              T5           12               1                28             41
                              T6           158                                3             161
                              T7           14               23               33             70
                              T8           28               1                50             79
                              T9            2               15               34             51
                          Grand Total      261              88               228            577
         GP level
         The following steps have been followed to estimate the thematic score and the overall PDI score at GP level

         Step 1: Calculation of indicators value
         All the indicators under the themes are listed with corresponding numerator and denominator in the LIF. The calculation
         as given in the Metadata was applied. For Binary Indicator, for 'Yes’, the value was taken as 100 and for ‘No’ it was
         taken as 0.
                                Table 6.6: Illustrative screen of indicators values under Theme 1

                                                                                               Percentage of
                                                                                      Percentage   persons (out   Percentage of
                                                     Percentage of                               of total   unique active
                                            Percenta  Households   Percentage   Percentage   Pregnant   eligible   persons out
                                             ge of                                      and
                                                      covered by a
                                                                                                           of enrolled
                                           Househo  Health Scheme /  of children   of children   lactating   population)   persons under
                                                                            (3-6 years)
                                                                  (0-3 years)
                                            lds who   Health Insurance   registered   registered   mothers   social   Mahatma
        Sl.   Name of Gram         Distric   got    under Ayushman   under    under   registered   protection   Gandhi
        No.    panchayat    Block     t    from any   Bharat Pradhan   ICDS out   ICDS out   ICDS out   benefits   National
                                                                    of total
                                                                             of total
                                             State   Mantri Jan Arogya   eligible   eligible   of total   Pradhan   Employment
                                                     Yojana or any
                                            Specific                                   eligible
                                            Housing   State Govt Health   children (0  children (3  Pregnant   Matritva   Guarantee
                                                                   -3 years)
                                                                             -6 years)
                                            Scheme                                      and
                                                       Insurance                                 Vandana   (MGNREGA
                                                                                      lactating   Yojana      )
        1      Ashtapur    Haveli   Pune      6          76         100       100       100       32         100
        2       Donje      Haveli   Pune      0          0          100       100       100       33         100
        3      Gorhe Bk    Haveli   Pune     20          15         100       100       100       31         100
        4      Khanapur    Haveli   Pune      0          22         100       100       100       43         100
        5       Kolvadi
                Sashte     Haveli   Pune     20          86          93       35        89        30          70
        6     Lonikalbhor   Haveli   Pune     0          1          100       100       100       82         100
        7     Manjari kh   Haveli   Pune      9          13          94       100       100       52         100
        8      Phulgaon    Haveli   Pune     20          0          100       100       100       44         100
        9       Theur      Haveli   Pune      0          53          97       100        0        74          0
        10    Wadebolhai   Haveli   Satara    4          12          92       81        100       30         100
         Step 2: Weightage of indicators
         Equal weights have been considered for all the indicators under a specific theme, for all the 9 themes.
         Step 3: Normalization of the raw indicator values
         Normalization  of  the  indicators’  value  has  been  done  based  on  the  minimum  and  maximum  observed  values  of  the
         indicator across 30 GPs.
         The raw data and normalized values are given in the Annexure IV PoC Annexure-D. The following Table gives the Raw
         and Normalised values for Theme 2, for 7 indicators:

                                               PDI Committee Report - 2023: Proof of Concept                       88
   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119