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For the ideas and visionaries, from theory to practise, for   The  lack  of  technical  support  was  a  challenge  for  the
         the  sceptics  and  critics,  the  Proof  of  Concept  was  a   Committee  and  again  to  the  full  credit  of  the  Team
         necessary and central part of the work of the Committee   Maharashtra,  despite  the  repetitive  process  of  data
         that brings out the PDI.                               collection due to the errors, all of which in future design
                                                                can be avoided, they completed this first of its kind task.
         Some  of  the  key  questions  that  were  addressed  in  this
         were:                                                  If we have been able to deliver on the PoC, it is thanks to
                                                                the spirit of the Team Maharashtra. The model now that
              Are the indicators too many?                     has  come  up  in  the  PoC,  is  still  only  but  a  starting  but
              Will  there  be  data  available  at  Gram  Panchayat   good  level  for  use.  This  is  thanks  to  The  Nudge.  The
               level?                                           scope & analysis that can be done is huge, only some are
                                                                indicated. Given the statistical, analytical and technology
              How difficult will it be to collect data?        knowing  team,  PDI  can  provide  such  information  that
                                                                would be of use in the Gram Panchayat, Block, District,
              Can the data be relied upon?
                                                                State  and  at  country  level  for  policy,  programme  and
              Will the Data be of use to the Gram Panchayat?   targeted  interactions  with  PRIs.  The  future  calculations

              Can  the  Grouped  Indicators  provide  an  easier   can go down to hamlet and household levels.
               path?                                            Measures for incremental progress need to be worked out.
                                                                Target  values  need  to  be  worked  out  for  further
              Can the PDI provide a good estimate of the level
               of development of the Gram Panchayat?            assessments  from  the  baseline  value  that  the  present
                                                                calculations of LIF, Theme, PDI can throw up.
              Will the PDI calculation be a fair calculation?
                                                                To calculate Panchayat Development Index (PDI) as per
              Is  it  possible  to  factor  in  the  differences  and  yet   the  indicators  and  sub-indicators  listed  in  the  Local
               compare?                                         Indicator  Framework  (LIF),  the  Proof  of  Concept  (PoC)

              Can  the  block,  district  and  State  be  drawn  into   exercise was undertaken covering 30 Gram Panchayats in
               PDI?                                             the  State  of  Maharashtra.  These  30  Gram  Panchayats
                                                                spanned across 4 districts, viz., Pune, Sangali, Satara and
              Can  the  LIF,  Theme  score  &  PDI  provide  scope   Solapur. Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development
               for Analysis of use to Gram Panchayats?          Administration (YASHADA), along with a field team of

              Can there be a Gram Panchayat level Report Card?    various Gram Sevaks and other personnel, coordinated the
                                                                data collection initiative.
              Can  the  PDI  and  LIF  provide  the  Development
               Status Report for the use of the Gram Panchayat?   Fair calculation

              Is the PDI of greater use than the MA survey?    In the arriving at the scores, the distinction between haves
                                                                & have nots, endowed Gram Panchayats and those not so
              Will the PDI (LIF) link to GPDP, NPA?
                                                                well-placed becomes necessary to be fair in terms of the
              What sort of visualisation is possible? GIS?     development  status.  For  e.g.,  a  Gram  Panchayat  with  a
                                                                PHC  and  Gram  Panchayat  without  a  PHC,  cannot  be
              Will the PDI, LIF be of use to Departments in the
               field?                                           compared  using  PHC  as  the  indicator.  However,  health
                                                                status  can  be  compared.  Whether  having  a  PHC,  gives
         The credit to the Maharashtra Team led by Dr. Mallinath   better health status is a matter of analysis, as health is not
         Kalshetti,  Member  of  the  Committee,  who  took  up  this   only a factor of PHC, but much beyond that. This can lead
         PoC  work/exercise.  It  has  paved  the  way  for  the   Gram  Panchayats  to  focus  on  those  aspects,  while  also
         emergence of PDI in its facets for application across the   presenting to the service providers, the need for evolving
         country.  What  should  be  done,  how  it  should  be  done,   appropriate  strategies  for  addressing  the  health  status  as
         what  errors  can  come  in,  what  process  to  follow  in  the   well as regular medical needs.
         collection of data, how should the Data entry formats be   Coming  back  to  fairness  in  calculations,  the  indicators
         designed,  how  much  time  will  it  take,  what  preparation   that  are  common  to  all,  were  used  as  a  first  level  of
         should  be  made,  etc.,  are  some  of  the  key  process   calculation. This gives the facts. Why it is better or worse,
         questions that got answered in this.

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