Page 101 - PDI_Report
P. 101

Data Visualization in PDI                                Merely giving an annual figure of PDI is not
                                                                  enough and will not make it useful to the GP
         The  presentation  of  the  data,  data  visualisation  is  extremely
         important  for  PDI.  In  addition  to  bar  charts,  graphs,  &  pie
         diagrams, the use of pictorial, infographics, dynamic visuals etc,   Data Analysis
         are essential. Presentation of each LIF, each Indicator in the LIF   Merely giving an annual figure of PDI is not enough and will
         & the overall PDI in addition needs to be on GIS.  Households,   not make it useful to the GP, nor in bringing desired changes
         hamlets,  Gram  Panchayat,  inter  Gram  Panchayat,  intra-block,   and move to achieving the 9 Themes and SDGs in rural context.
         inter block, inter district, inter State on various aspects are to be   It has to go beyond just the score of PDI and give the break up
         presented using tools of data visualisation.           of  Thematic  scores,  Indicator  scores,  scores  of  grouped
                                                                indicators  and  various  correlations  for  GPs  to  look  at  them
         The presentation of the data, data visualisation       and also importantly for other stakeholders and those in policy
                  is extremely important for PDI
                                                                and programme to see these in relevant manner.

         Data visualisation should be presenting to the Gram Sabha their   In  the  Report,  the  PDI  is  being  worked  at  GP  Level,  with
         internal  position  on  themes  and  indicators  present  status  of   Thematic  Scores  for  GP  as  a  whole,  and  bringing  in  the
         development  of  Gram  Panchayat,  &  its  sub-levels,  present   indicators  and  grouped  indicators.  Layer  of  hamlet  can  be
         comparative position of Gram Panchayat vis-a-vis other Gram   introduced  to  see  relative  development  and  areas  needing
         Panchayats in the block/district/state/country.        improvement in hamlets. There are indicators that can provide
                                                                analysis on basis of what all applies to households, and we can

                                                                look at comparative position at household level on the set of in

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      75
   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106