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The result can be interpreted as, GP 4 improves their score by   administration and State. How  well the GPs are placed in the
         19%  compared  to  the  previous  score  while  there  is  a  9%   Block and District  can be reflected in the Block and District

         declination in score compared to previous score for GP 5.   level aggregation of PDI score. This is to bring to the notice and
                                                                to draw attention and involvement and support of the BP, ZP,
         However, this is like looking at a single dimension, and not the
                                                                District and State.
         totality of change. It does have its value though, but needs to be
         contextualized  along  with  the  baseline  and  target  and  time   PDI  scores    or  thematic  scores  of  GP  can  easily  be  used  to
         series figures.                                        generate Block, district, state or National estimates of PDI. The
                                                                scores up to State level can be used for comparison within the
                Like to like comparisons would be
                   better than a one size fits all.             same level. In any case all PDI values can always be used to
                                                                make  time  series  comparisons.  The  aggregation  of  score  for
                                                                each level has to be based on weighted average method. As the
         Understanding  the  purpose  of  measuring  incremental  change
                                                                GP, Block, Districts and States varies in size and population, it
         and how it can be used and interpreted from Gram Panchayat to
                                                                will  be  irrational  to  simply  aggregate  the  score  without  any
         levels  of  policy  and  programme  is  necessary  to  choose  the
                                                                weight. As PDI score is largely reflective of the well-being of
         method of measuring.
                                                                the population of the area, it would be most appropriate to take
         Like to like comparisons would be better than a one size fits all.   the population ratio as the weights. Alternatively, as number of
         Hence,  all  three  methods  can  be  used,  based  on  grouping  of   GPs  in  a  district  has  high  correlation  with  population,
         Gram  Panchayats  in  view  of  their  baseline  status  that  is   proportion  of  GP  in  a  district  or  a  state  can  also  be  taken  as
         collected. Gram Panchayats in the lower end and middle of the   weight for aggregating the GP score for district or State PDI.
         spectrum  can  be  measured    on  incremental  change,  based  on   We may accordingly, take the number of villages or GPs in a
         their  starting  base.  Gram  Panchayats  at  the  higher  end  of  the   Block or District as the weight, while for State or National level
         spectrum    can  be  measured  based  on  their  distance  from  the   indicator we may take the District and State population from the

         target with the incremental improvements on that basis.   last  census  as  the  weight.  Further,  for  assigning  weight  for
         The  shift  of  all  Gram  Panchayats  to  the  Target  mode  for   themes at district or national level for composite index, we may
         measure of incremental progress needs to be aimed at.   adopt variable weights.

         Incremental progress scoring has to also factor in  a fall in score   However,  in  the  Report  the  population  of  GP  is  used  as  the
         and  Maintenance  of  the  score.  Maintaining  an  already  high   weight for calculation of Block, District and State scores, and is
         level,  needs  to  be  seen  as  very  good  and  a  fall,  naturally   recommended.
         negative. While evolving the measuring scale, these levels can
         be fixed.
         Incremental progress scoring has to also factor        PDI, is first and foremost to find where we stand. It is not to be
         in a fall in score and Maintenance of the score.       a ranking of all GPs, but has the scope to progress towards an
                                                                assessment  mechanism  for  ranking.  Without  building  the
         Computing Block, District and State aggregation of GP   necessary ecosystem, going into ranking based on PDI is like

         PDI                                                    putting the cart before the horse. Here in PDI, that would be the
         The LIF presently is of Indicators at GP level. The development   case, if there is initial ranking before getting the correct baseline
         status  is  however  not  solely  dependent  on  the  GPs.  The   and  establishing  good  reliable  systems  for  data  collection,
         outcomes  can  be  enhanced  by  support  from  BP,  ZP,  District   positional assessment and analysis and linking to action.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  72
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103