Page 102 - PDI_Report
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the Report, the PDI is being worked at GP Level, with Thematic
Capacity building on a continuous basis has a
Scores for GP as a whole, and bringing in the indicators and
huge role to play in the process of data
grouped indicators. Layer of hamlet can be chosen indicators.
collection, baseline understanding, target
When that is taken up and mapped with hamlets a still better
fixing, analyzing, interpretation of indicators,
picture emerges. In the present frame, the number of Indicators
prioritizing etc.
applicable to household level analysis in a GP are 33 and the list
is given in Annexure-I, Table-27 (
demo/resources/Table27.pdf). When these are placed in Capacity building for PDI
appropriate presentation to the GP, the number of households 1. Capacity building of local level functionaries & sensitizing
with the gaps in basic minimum entitlements, the spatial spread them regarding other areas of development like Health,
of backwardness in the village, can be seen. If this is contoured Education, Agriculture, etc. - this may well be the starting
to hamlets along with other village level facilities, the hamlet point in the process. Often local level GP functionaries are
status would be visible. not aware of happenings in other sectors, and focus on their
sector/scheme/deliverables as expected from their
Department. Their understanding of how their work
impacts development, and outcomes in other walks of life
is a necessary sensitization.
2. Their role in process of preparation of this index and
viewing the index, LIF seen in Themes, of how they can be
involved while preparing local level plans, and broadening
their vision so as to get a holistic image of the development
process in the GP. This will help promote a multi-sectoral
approach to developmental planning at the GP level.
Correlations with Sankalp, GPDP, NPA, per capita income of
3. One of the most important in the PDI process will be
GPs, the availability of facilities and backwardness, funds
ensuring that the stakeholders - local level functionaries,
allocated and score, amongst many other analysis can be done
line departments, collect data on time. Module for training
of use to the GP. Some of these have been touched on in the
on PDI and data collection needs to be included in
Proof of Concept chapter.
Panchayat Training first phase for newly elected
Also, evidence is available for grassroots program decisions on Panchayats and existing Elected Representatives and Gram
funds and plans for the various schemes and enabling better Sevak/ Secretary/ and GP functionaries need to be given a
results by such deployment and actions. structured training on this in a hands-on mode.
Data analysis for GP, Block, District, State and at National level 4. Relevant line department training modules, needs to cover
needs to be done and presented in appropriate forums, including the LSDGs and PDI and their role and responsibility in data
National and sub-national workshops. This and the Documents sharing and value in doing so with the GPs for better results
can be supported by MoPR as to be prepared at different levels for their work.
and model ones shared, which actually have led to changes in
5. Joint trainings in this process of data collection and seeing
GPs. These would be part of the SDG work at National level
the Indicators, would create a new chapter in working
and in the State linking between MoPR and NITI Aayog, and
Panchayati Raj and State Planning Departments respectively.
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index 76