Page 292 - PDI Vol 2
P. 292

(8)  total  budget  earmarked  for  women  development  related   parity in education is got from the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan data
         activities  by  the  GP  respectively.  Also  the  indicator  mapping   available  in  UDISE+.  Poshan  tracker  provides  data  on  the
         the  prevalence  of  anaemia  among  girl  children  (0-18  years)   nutritional status of children in the panchayat and in the local
         under NPA is considered for 0-18 years age group.      indicator framework. Their mechanism of data validation can be
                                                                suitably extended to data that would need to be collected from
         Data Collection and Data Source                        similar / same sources.

         Data  under  this  theme  is  not  easily  available.  Most  stark
         example is the data on crimes against women and children. This   Monitoring
         can only be obtained based on a survey and that too it will be   Data related to health and education are available real time and
         the indicative figure / approximate figure. Sources of data are   can be monitored on a quarterly basis. Rate of crimes reported
         from  various  departments  -  Agriculture  Census,  DAC&FW,   may be available annually. The Local indicator framework can
         WCD,  Education  and  health  departments,  GP  data  through   be monitored annually during the People’s Plan Campaign with
         surveys  and  actual  stock  taking  at  panchayat  level.   the data feeding done from different departments.
         Administrative data from departments directly relating to some
         of the local indicator framework will also be used.    Self - Assessment and Incremental progress/
         Data Validation                                        Panchayats  can  discuss  at  the  Gram  Sabha,  the  incremental

         This  theme  draws  upon  schemes  from  the  National  Rural   progress on an annual basis. Some indicators related to health
         livelihood Mission for creating employment opportunities, SHG   and education can be monitored based on the frequency of data
         formation,  credit  linkages.  The  themes  related  to  health   collected. Nutrition through Poshan tracker can be monitored on
         regarding  maternal  mortality  ratio,  anaemia,  sex  ratio  will  be   a  monthly  basis  and  necessary  action  initiated  to  address
         drawn from the National Health Mission – HMIS data. Gender   malnutrition among children.

                                       Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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