Page 289 - PDI Vol 2
P. 289

  Take a count of number of women participation in socio-

           Reducing gender-based violence can access these -         political,  economic  activities  and  participation  in
                                                                     community-based organizations.
           One  Stop  Centre,  Nirbhaya,  Child  helpline-  1098,  Women
           Helpline,  SWADHAR  Grah,  Integrated  Child  Protection     Resource  mapping  must  be  undertaken  factoring  in
           Scheme                                                    resources available under various schemes of central and

           By far the biggest resource and the stakeholders are the SHGs   state  government,  other  organisations  in  a  whole  of
           in the GP. Their involvement in this Theme and participation   society approach
           can lead to phenomenal changes.
                                                                    Provide  the  space  for  discussion  of  issues  related  to
         Connect to SANKALP                                          women and girls

           Gram  Panchayats  playing  a  vital  role  in  the  preparation  of     Identify girl children who are dropping out of school or
           GPDP for the comprehensive development of villages and its   likely to drop out
           citizens, the Gram Panchayat Sankalp with all GP members
           and Gram Sabha taking a pledge to sincerely  work towards     Create environment for total enrolment and retention of
           engendered development in the Gram Panchayat by looking   girl children in school
           at  various  aspects  while  preparing  the  GPDP  of  the   Programme Actions/Activities
           panchayat,  whether  it  has  considered  the  needs  of  women,
                                                                Given  below  is  a  listing  of  actions  and  activities  that  can  be
           and  then  focusing  on  the  Theme  9  itself,  in  terms  of  its
                                                                taken to address some of the different Indicators-
           indicators  would  bring  together  the  PRIs,  SHG  and  look  to
           gender equity cutting across sectors.
                                                                  Discussion  on  Pre-Conception  and  Pre-Natal  Diagnostic
         Actions Required                                           Techniques (PCPNDT), Protection of Children from Sexual
                                                                    Offence  (POCSO),  Prevention  of  Sexual  Harassment
         Process Actions                                            (POSH), Domestic Violence and Equal Remuneration Acts

           These could be some of the initial steps that a GP can take -   along  with  1098  and  1090  women  helpline  among
                                                                    adolescent girls, youth, SHGs and Gram Sabha.
             Identification of the  women headed households and the
              most  vulnerable  women  in  the  panchayat  and  ensure     Discuss child marriage and its negative impact on physical
              basic entitlements                                    and  mental  well-being  of  girls  during  Gram  Sabha  and
                                                                    address apprehensions about dowry and safety of girls.
             Identify the women in age group 19-45, adolescent girls
              and all girl children aged under ­five years        Discussion  on  preference  of  son  and  gender-biased  sex-
                                                                    selective abortion during Gram Sabha and with SHGs.
             Have regular meetings of SHGs with GP
                                                                  Promote  families  and  young  girls  to  take  up  skills  and
             Identify vulnerable families
                                                                    occupation that are not gender stereo-typical.

             Estimate  the  need  of  quality  nutritious  food  for  all  girl
                                                                  Discuss domestic violence as an issue in the Gram Sabha
              children and women
                                                                    and encourage reporting for counselling by experts.
             Ensure safety of women in all public and private spheres.     Discuss  shared  parenting  during  Gram  Sabha  and

                                                                    encourage men to share household responsibilities.

                                                  Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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