Page 288 - PDI Vol 2
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Indicators  under  Target  –  Common,  Priority,  Region     Inclusion
         specific                                                         Equal  Access  -  Social,  Economic  and  political

         Certain indicators are seen as Common Indicators, that apply to   Empowerment
         all Panchayats. Indicators that are identified as common in this
                                                                          Financial  inclusion  -  facilitate  banking  and
         Theme  are  related  to  operational  holdings  held  by  women,
                                                                           insurance services to all
         SHGs  accessing  credit,  number  of  Mahila  Sabhas  conducted
         etc. These are listed in the LIF in Annexure I, Table 9. If one     Participation
         were  to  consider  the  priority  indicators  amongst  the  total
                                                                  Improve  participation  of  women  in  political,  economic
         indicators,  which  probably  would  have  greater  impact  on
                                                                    activities and participation in community-based Health
         engendered  development,  these  may  be  Percentage  of  women
         headed  households  living  in  kutcha  houses,  Percentage  of     Health and nutrition
         women  headed  households  covered  under  PDS  system,
                                                                  Reduce the maternal mortality ratio
         Percentage  of  women  covered  under  all  Social  Protection
         schemes to the total number of eligible women, Health related     End preventable deaths of new born and girl children under
         indicators,  SHGs  accessing  credit,  number  of  Mahila  Sabhas   5 years
         conducted  and  such  indicators  that  may  impact  more  on  the
                                                                  Reduce Girls/Women Suicide Mortality rate
         status  and  benefits  arising  from  development  in  the  GP.
         Different  Ministries  implementing  different  schemes  work  on   Target Values
         their  priorities  such  as  SHGs  access  to  financial  assistance,   Using the NIF and  SIF, the  GP can consider to  fix its target,
         women  covered  in  SHGs  for  NRLM  under  MoRD,  health   which can be better and more stringent than the NIF/SIF.
         related aspects for women in age group 19-45 years under NHM
         (MoH&FW)  and  Poshan  Abhiyan  (MoWCD);  a  State  may   Resources  and Stakeholders
         choose priorities under this Theme, such as improving the sex   Taking the example relating to health of women and girls, we
         ratio,  improving  gender  parity  in  the  different  levels  of   can  see  the  resources  connected  to  growth  and  survival
         education, and there  may be  district priorities. Finally, the on   currently available from Government:
         ground  actual  areas  that  need  to  be  prioritised  can  be  best
                                                                  National  Health  Mission,  Pradhan  Mantri  Matru  Vandana
         decided by the GP, and the GP can prioritise for itself. GP could
                                                                  Yojana  (PMMVY),  Mission  Vatsalya,  Beti  Bachao  Beti
         choose to reduce maternal mortality and ensuring that sex ratio
                                                                  Padhao,  Mission  Shakti,  Kishori  Shakti  Yojana,  Umbrella
         improves,  or  address  health  of  women,  or  ensure  their  plan
                                                                  ICDS , Mission Poshan 2.0,
         under VPRP and Women sub-plan is given attention.
                                                                  Employment  -  The  main  schemes  cover  –  MGNREGS,
         Grouped Indicators:
                                                                  National Rural Livelihood Mission, Ujjawala,
         Understanding the 51 indicators, what does it mean, what all it
                                                                  Connected to it is Education and skilling covered under -
         can effect, needs the interpretation of Indicators, which is easier
         when  there  is  grouping  -  what  areas  or  focus  it  brings  .   Samagra  Shiksha,  National  Scheme  for  Incentive  to  Girl
         Engendered development can be seen as to address the issues/  Child  for  Secondary  Education  (NSIGSE),  Pradhan  Mantri
         areas -                                                  Mahila  Shakti  Kendra  (PMMSK),  Support  to  Training  and
                                                                  Employment  Programme  (STEP),  PRAGATI  (Providing
           End discrimination
                                                                  Assistance  for  Girls’  Advancement  in  Technical  Education
           Safety and security                                   Initiative)

                                       Theme 9: Women Friendly Panchayat
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