Page 250 - PDI Vol 2
P. 250

  Homestead kitchen garden                            Plantation drive/camp in School

            Social forestry in community land                 Using illustrative examples of the Community Toilet Complex
                                                                and Public Toilets, how it would become part of the GPDP in
            Social forestry in grazing land
                                                                Panchayats are discussed below:
            Solar Pump set Installation
                                                                Planning for Construction of Community Toilet
            Rejuvenation of community ponds
                                                                Complex and Public Toilets
           Cleanliness Awareness Drive                       Once the Gram Panchayat decides to have community or public
                                                                toilet complex in the village, having identified the persons to be
           Awareness generation through VHSNC
                                                                covered, the following should be part of the plan:
           Drainage Construction
                                                                a)  Gender  Sensitive  Planning  and  User  needs:  Since  the
           Repair of Drainage                                   sanitation  needs  of  men  and  women  are  significantly
                                                                   different,  it  is  necessary  to  integrate  gender  needs  in  the
           Construction of Bio-Gas and Compost Unit
                                                                   overall  institutional  arrangements  and  service  delivery
           Awareness and activities to curb use of single use of   processes. Urinals must be provided in the men’s block of
            plastics                                               every Public Toilet / Community Toilet facility. All urinals
                                                                   shall  be  fitted  with  a  flush  valve  While  working  out  the
           Construction of Solid and Liquid Waste Management Unit
                                                                   number  of  units,  one  of  the  units  shall  be  designed  for
           Solar Street Lighting Installation                   differently  abled  men  or  women  with  grab  bars,  sloped
                                                                   ramps door’s location, height and type of fixtures etc. Toilet
           Solar light in community centre
                                                                   floor  should  have  a  non-slippery  surface.  Child  friendly
           Solar light in Anganwadi Centres                     toilet  should  be  also  planned  for.  Community  Toilet
                                                                   complex and Public toilets that are built without taking into
           Field Bunding with Tree-Grass/Walls
                                                                   account users’ views and needs may become unsustainable.
           Nurseries, kitchen garden in School compound

                                        Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
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