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P. 247

4.  Assess the water needs, sources, schemes, solid and liquid   SC / ST habitations, poorest of poor in the village and/
            waste being generated –so that the need for water supply,   or those migrant laborers etc.
            and waste management facilities can be ascertained.
                                                                    e.  The Community Toilet Complexes shall have separate
         5.  Liaise with respective agencies for ensuring adequate water   facilities  for  men  and  women,  and  shall  consist  of  an
            supply,  cleanliness  and  drinking  water  and  sanitation   appropriate  number  of  toilet  seats,  bathing  cubicles,
            facilities                                                washing  platforms,  wash  basins,  etc.  The  Community
                                                                      Toilet  Complex  should  be  accessible  for  divyangjans
         6.  Identify appropriate schemes, which can support the Gram
            Panchayat energy programme.
                                                                    f.  Know the Financial assistance for a Community Toilet
         7.  Identification of what / who are to be addressed under the
                                                                      Complex as per the funding norms  given in SBM (G)
                                                                      programme .
            a.  Understanding  the  purpose  and  desired  outcomes:
                                                                    g.  Work  out  the  O&M  of  the  complex  and  the
               Community  Toilets  /  Community  Sanitary  Complex:
                                                                      responsibility of the Community users and GP.
               The Community Toilet/ Sanitary Complex is a facility
               which is built when there is no required space available   Programme Actions/Activities
               for  constructing  Individual  House  Hold  Latrine
               (IHHL)  .  It  is  used,  owned  and  maintained  by
               community  members.  It  is  mostly  located  within  the
               community,  where  people  reside.  A  community  toilet
               may also have other utilities such as a bathing facility or
               a place for washing clothes, depending upon the needs
               of  the  community.  The  Community  Sanitary  Complex
               help  in  ensuring  social  dignity  and  privacy,  and
               maintaining the health status of the village.

            b.  The  GP  must  assess  the  numbers  of  persons  and   For making the village Clean & Green, the Panchayat needs to
               households that are not able to construct IHHL due to   implement  programs  /  activities  related  to  the  clean  &  green
               lack of space                                    targets. Some of the possible activities are explained below:
            c.  In consultation with the users for whom the Community   a)  Initiate  action  for  setting  up  sustainable  rural  tourism
               Toilet Complex is to be constructed, the GP will decide   projects  within  the  Gram  Panchayat,  which  creates  jobs,
               upon a suitable location for construction of Community   local culture and local produce
               Toilet  Complex  that  is  easily  accessible  to  all,  having
                                                                b)  Initiate  action  to  ensure  implementation  of  energy  saving
               adequate  water  and  electricity  availability  and  where
                                                                   programmes  -  like  electrification  of  all  households,  use  of
               long-term  operation  and  maintenance  (O&M)  is
                                                                   LED lamps and biogas etc.
                                                                c)  To  improve  rural,  environmental,  and  social  development
            d.  For  the  construction  of  Community  Toilet  Complex,
                                                                   Panchayat  can  take  action  for  forest  management,  forest
               priority shall be given to the locations with predominant
                                                                   protection, and afforestation of deforested lands. Individual
                                                                   farmers  can  be  encouraged  to  plant  trees  on  their  own

                                                   Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
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