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farmland to meet the domestic needs of the family. In many   facilities  for  every  household  and  their  regular  usage,  almost
            areas this tradition of growing trees on the farmland already   100% rural sanitation coverage was achieved.
                                                                Taking  the  specific  indicator  of  Community  Toilets  coverage,
         d)  Waste that is generated in the villages can be liquid, solid,   the key programme actions would include (a) Construction of
            or  gas  with  each  having  its  disposal  method  and  way  of   Community  Toilet/Sanitary  Complex,  (b)  Provision  of  water
            managing  the  waste.  The  influx  of  non-biodegradable   supply,  (c)  Proper  solid  and  liquid  waste  disposal,  (d)
            wastes and the lack of segregation and management of the   Maintenance of the Complex and (e) IEC
            same causes water pollution and land pollution. Panchayat
            should avoid dumping wastes in the water bodies like rivers   Special Initiatives
            and  streams  to  protect  water  ecosystem.  Similarly  burning
            the  wastes  should  also  be  avoided  to  control  emission  of
            hazardous gasses.

                                                                The  Theme  Clean  and  Green  has  through  the  SBM  reached
         e)  Clean  and  renewable  energy  comes  from  resources  which
                                                                every  GP  and  made  phenomenal  progress  in  Panchayats
            are  naturally  replenished  on  human  timescale  such  as
                                                                becoming  ODF.  Call  for  use  of  Clean  Energy  and  impact  of
            sunlight,  wind,  rain,  tides,  waves,  and  geothermal  heat.
                                                                Climate  change  has  attracted  lot  of  attention.  Causes  of
            Renewable energy replaces conventional  fuels. Using  with
                                                                pollution  in  and  around  NCR  is  common  knowledge.  Soil
            fuels with less CO2 emission, using high efficiency chulha
                                                                health, use of pesticides and insecticides, are clearly linked to
            that consumes less amount of log and decreases combustion,
                                                                sustainable   agriculture,   sustainable   production   and
            using LPG, using biogas and solar energy
                                                                consumption. On all these as applicable in their GPs, they can
         For  example,  under  Swachh  Bharat  Mission  (Gramin),  more   take special initiatives without waiting for the crisis. Following
         than  30  crore  people  participated  in  the  behaviour  change   are few examples of special initiatives that can be taken up by
         campaigns  under  the  world’s  largest  behaviour  largest   Panchayats:
         programme.  Around  5.4  crore  school  children  participated  in
                                                                a)  Living in a green community provides ample benefits for
         the  ‘Swachh  Sankalp  Se  Swachh  Siddhi’  under  Swachhata
                                                                    residents,  including  improved  health  and  wellbeing,
         Pakhwada.  For  spreading  awareness  on  sanitation  and
                                                                    increased morale, reduced energy costs and cleaner air etc.
         disseminating the inspiration journey of Swachh Bharat Mission
                                                                    Odanthurai  Gram  Panchayat  in  Mettupalayam  Taluk  of
         (Grameen),  a  permanent  Audio-Visual  Experiential  centre,
                                                                    Tamilnadu  is  known  for  becoming  self-sufficient  in
         Rashtriya  Swachhata  Kendra  (RSK)  has  been  set  up  in  New
                                                                    electricity  generation.  It  has  its  own  windmill  of  350-
         Delhi which was inaugurated on 8th August, 2020 by Hon’ble
                                                                    kilowatt capacity that was set up at a cost of Rs 1.55 crore
         Prime  Minister.  As  a  result  of  accessibility  of  sanitation

                                        Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
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