Page 246 - PDI Vol 2
P. 246

Village’. Some of the schemes related to Clean & Green Village
                                                                Connect to Sankalp
         are given below:

            1.  National River Conservation Programme(NRCP)

            2.  PM Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)

            3.  National Water Mission
            4.  Interlinking of Rivers

            5.  MGNREGS

            6.  Deen Dayal Upadhayaya Gram Jyoti Yojana
            7.  Swachch Bharat Mission                          The  Gram  Panchayat  that  decides  to  focus  on  attainment  of
                                                                Theme  5:  Clean  &  Green  Village  should  be  encouraged  with
         Planning a timeframe                                   special  hand-holding  support  that  may  be  of  technology,

         A  Panchayat  that  chooses  to  become  a  Clean  and  Green  one,   subsidies under schemes, scope of different connected schemes
         needs  to  plan  in  the  areas  of  water  resources,  land  resources,   to contribute towards the agreed targets. The convergent action
         soil  health,  open  defecation  free,  solid  and  liquid  waste   by  all  concerned  line  departments  will  go  a  long  way  in
         management  etc.  The  Green  village  initiative  focuses  on   protecting  the  future  of  the  planet.  A  GP  that  chooses  the
         activities like tree plantation, organic farming, conservation of   SANKALP  of  Theme  Clean  and  Green  may  look  at  its  sub-
         village  ecosystems  &  biodiversity,  promotion  of  new  and   groupings  to  be  achieved,  as  Environment,  Climate,  Disaster,
         renewable  energy  sources  including  eco-friendly  innovations.   Poverty, Health, Energy, making it easier for them to focus on
         The  timeframe  for  planning  can  be  indicated  as  Immediate,   the  indicators  connected  and  then  go  for  the  preparation  of
         Short-term  (2-5  years)  and  Long  term  (5  years+).  Certain   thematic Gram Panchayat Development Plan.
         actions need to be immediately taken, as being necessary  and
         also easier. Some may be addressed in the short-term, but some   Process Actions
         need  more  time  to  achieve.  However,  there  would  be  steps/  Some of the important process actions that the GP needs to take
         activities  to  be  initiated  for  various  long-term  Indicators/   to move towards becoming a Clean and Green GP are :
         Targets  in  the  current  time,  so  that  with  step  by  step  being   1.  Map the available land ,  water bodies, forest, slopes, wet
         taken,  the  outcome  is  achieved.  Similar  with  short-term  ones,   lands, degraded forest within the Gram Panchayat
         being initiated now. For example, O&M of Community Toilet
                                                                2.  Form  and  empower  the  people’s  committees  by  giving
         Complex  and  Public  Toilets  need  immediate  action  where  as
                                                                    adequate  information  on  schemes,  agencies,  Government
         construction  of  Community  Toilet  Complex  is  a  short-term
                                                                    departments, on each theme
         activity  to  be  completed  within  one  year.  Making  a  village
         carbon neutral or protection of bio diversity may take a longer   3.  Develop  appropriate  norms  for  sustainable  utilization  of
         timeframe,  but  nurseries  can  be  taken  up  immediately,  and   resources  from  common  lands,  water  bodies  and  forest
         annually,  waste  water  management  can  be  taken  up  and   produce, sand, fish and water
         completed within a year.

                                        Theme 5: Clean and Green Village
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