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in  the  year  2005.  It  is  selling  nearly  two  lakh  units  of   sapling  takes  root,  as  interest-free  loans.  The  government
            electricity out of 6.75 lakh units that were generated to the   had  deposited  a  sum  of  ₹10  crore  in  the  Meenangadi
            TNEB and is making a revenue of more than Rs 20 lakh a   Service  Cooperative  Bank  to  run  the  scheme,  and  the
            year.  Apart  from  being  self-sufficient  in  electricity,  this   interest is utilised for the project. The scheme was initially
            smart  village  in  Odanthurai  is  a  phenomenon  of  working   launched  in  two  wards,  and  7,619  trees  were  geo-tagged
            together to make the area clean and uncluttered. The village   with  a  unique  number  for  each  tree.  As  many  as  159
            also  leads  in  energy  education  and  self-employment.  All   farmers  received  a  sum  of  ₹3,80,950  for  conserving  the
            residents  work  together  to  keep  the  panchayat  clean  and   trees.
            tidy.  Under  the  “Green  House”  scheme  of  the  State
            government, more than 850 houses were built and handed
            over to the beneficiaries in the place. This is an example for
            other States to follow in terms of energy self-sufficiency.

         b)  Similarly,  Meenangadi  Panchayat  of  Kerala  initiated  an
            aspiring  project  to  become  carbon  neutral  by  2020.  The
            activities  kickstarted  in  June  5,  2016  with  a  valuation  of
            carbon  emission  arising  out  of  domestic  consumption  of
            electricity  and  fuels  from  all  9,000  households  in  the
            panchayat  and  from  vehicles  used  in  the  panchayat.  This
            was followed by a  measurement of the carbon content of   Connect to GPDP
            the soil and carbon emission from trees.
                                                                The GPDP, a manifestation of decentralised planning, provides
         c)  Also,  in  Meenangadi,  as  part  of  redeveloping  forest  land   adequate  opportunities  to  undertake  activities  for  making  a
            and thereby considerably decreasing the carbon levels, the   village  Green  and  Clean.  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  has
            panchayat  in  collaboration  with  the  village  temple   provided  an  indicative  list  of  activities  corresponding  to  the
            (Devasom  board)  along  with  the  support  of  MNREGA   identified indicators of the Clean and Green theme. The enlisted
            team  and  Social  Forestry  department  initiated  the   activities  are  like  the  guiding  starts  for  the  Panchayats  to
            ‘Punyavanam’ project (holy forest). Under this, around 38   accomplish  the  goal  of  becoming  Green  and  Clean.  The
            acres  of  land  adjoining  the  temple  were  demarcated  and   Panchayat, that decided to go for Green and Clean Village as
            saplings  of  various  trees  were  planted.  Today,  these  38   Sankalp  based  on  its  need,  has  to  select  50  per  cent  of  the
            acres of forest are the epitome of committed effort by the   activities earmarked for Green and Clean Theme. Some of these
            Meenangadi people towards the carbon neutral project.   activities are given below:

         d)  How  the  policy  and  local  programme  action  can  realize     Community Toilet including for disabled, at market
            Special  Initiatives  is  seen  in  the  Meenangadi  Panchayat   complex
            with  the  government  having  launched  an  innovative  ‘tree
                                                                   Toilet construction in public buildings
            banking  scheme’  for  farmers  of  the  panchayat  as  part  of
            efforts to develop it into as a carbon-neutral panchayat. As     Roadside Plantation
            per the scheme,  for each  newly planted sapling, a  farmer
                                                                   Agro-forestry
            gets ₹50 every year from the third year onwards after the

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