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data collected by field staff and checked by supervisory staff for   application  designed  for  it.  All  Panchayat  data,  panchayat
         correctness  is  also  paid  for.  The  latest  guidelines  provide  for   profile, panchayat accounts related information of funds routed
         payment of Rs. 600/- for 1 CRP for 1 day to collect the VPRP   through GPs, in particular the 15  FC grants.
         data. It is learnt that ANSSIRD, Karnataka had initiated a pilot
                                                                The validation of data entered into eGramSwaraj is by GP.
         exercise of data collection for PDI following the Expert Group
         Report on LSDGs  with PRIs, and paid the data collectors for   GIS  based  information,  geotagging,  visualized  information  as
         collection  of  data  points  per  day.  MoSPI  pays  for  various   already  developed  by  Ministries,  including  MoPR,  such  as
         surveys. NFHS survey is paid for. Any formal data collection   Gram  Manchitra,  all  come  together  here  in  eGramSwaraj.
         process is a paid service. Hence, if one is serious about use of   Makes it simple for all users to look for it, and all connected
         data  for  development  benchmarks,  planning  and  progress   applications and information on PDI there.
         assessment, clearly there must be a mechanism that pays for the   The PDI & LIF, LSDG Themes appearing in eGramSwaraj for
         service  of  data  collection,  and  validation,  and  ensures  it   the Panchayat would be giving Gram Panchayats the dashboard
         becomes  systemic  and  is  effectively  monitored.  While  the   with PDI etc., embedded GPDP links from eGramSwaraj as a
         Ministry of Panchayati Raj may consider in the first instance to   separate app. To work on the LIF & PDI, the link is best from
         get  started,    fund  to  be  placed  at  the  disposal  of  the  Gram   eGramSwaraj, as not only is  all data landing here, but is also
         Panchayats  for  this,  and  not  draw  from  the  FC  grants  and   drawn out of here. The ease of operations for assessments, LIF
         deprive the GP albeit by a small amount as it would be seen as   & PDI scores, as well as future changes would be best placed in
         being deprived and forced. In future  it can be considered to be   eGramSwaraj. Whatever is needed for PDI & LIF can be drawn
         drawn out of the M&E budgets of different Flagship Schemes   from here & whatever analysis etc. done under it can be seen
         of different Ministries and pooled for GP use. MA can become   through the PDI link from eGramSwaraj. The growth journey in
         a survey for data not otherwise available from Ministry data   the use of data of Gram Panchayat level, hamlet and households
         base or GP profile information.                        can be routed through this key portal of Ministry of Panchayati
                                                                Raj. EGramSwaraj of Ministry of Panchayati Raj is seen to be
         eGramSwaraj – the central junction
                                                                the one stop junction for all connecting points of Panchayat data
         Rather  than  draw  separate  API  for  the  LIF  and  PDI,  the
                                                                and information.
         eGramSwaraj  Portal  is  seen  as  the  main  data  collection
         Centre for the Gram Panchayats. Already this is the landing   Training and Capacity Building for Data Collection
         point for data from Ministries. This also has the GP level data   Data  entry  has  been  covered  in  Training  for  Data  entry
         that gives GP profile and is the hub that leads to various other   operators/  Gram  Sevaks/Panchayat  Secretary,  for  use  of  the
         applications developed and being developed by MoPR.     applications developed by MoPR. Data Collection in the nature

         Currently data from Ministries connected to LIF & other related   as in LIF, is a new field of work. Training for GPs, in this has
         data  is  being  brought  and  dropped  into  the  eGramSwaraj   been identified as absolutely necessary in the pilot work done in
                                                                Maharashtra.  What  is  to  be  covered  in  the  Training  has  also
                                                                been  suggested  by  those  who  were  actually  involved  in  the
                                                                process  of  data  collection,  and  data  entry.  Naturally,  as  and
                                                                when survey is to be done, training for that is also to be given.
                                                                Training  for  standardized  data  at  GP  level,  whether  it  be  for
                                                                Registers  or  online,    is  necessary  to  be  given.  The  process
                                                                would  start  with  the  overview  of  LIF,  understanding  the
                                                                Themes,  understanding  the  purpose  of  data  collection  and
                                                                indicators,  target  setting,  Metadata,  unique  data  points,

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