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Data collection Tools                                  Frequency of Data collection

         The most important for this is an exhaustive instruction manual   Data  collection  should  include  regular  updation  of  data.  The
         along with Training and Capacity building. The Manual would   frequency of updation could be monthly, quarterly, half-yearly
         need  to  define  the  indicator,  metadata,  various  critical   or annually based on what indicator is involved. Though data
         parameters such as cut-off date or reference period of which the   may be collected real time by Ministry in the portal, whether it
         data  needs  to  be  collected,  concerned  field  official  to  be   is to be drawn into the use of Gram Panchayat on real time basis
         contacted, validation process, etc. These instructions need to be   or monthly, quarterly, etc., are parts of the further data transfer
         circulated  among  all  the  concerned  stakeholders,  across   decisions  to  be  taken.  Purpose  for  the  use  of  the  data  needs
         administrative hierarchies in the form of a PDI Data Collection   attention  while  doing  this,  rather  than  flooding  data  into  GPs
         booklet  for  reference  and  training  purposes.  Till  APIs  are   view, just because it is available real time. For example, ANC
         through and where only field level data is the source, the field   registration,  FHTC  provided,  Toilets  constructed,  are
         level data collector will primarily be tasked with collecting data   necessarily  to  be  seen  by  GPs  more  frequently  than  Road
         from various concerned line agencies at various levels such as   works,  or  Transition  Rate.  It  is  important  to  provide  data  on
         Gram  Panchayat,  Block,  etc.  as  per  identified  availability  of   select  indicators  on  monthly  basis,  select  on  quarterly/half
         data. The field level officials of respective line agencies, such as   yearly/yearly and on all annually.
         Anganwadi  workers,  Self-help  group  members,  Veterinarians,
                                                                Data  collection  reference  period  is  to  be  considered  in  some
         etc., need to be  also given access to the data collection systems.
                                                                indicators also in a continuous manner as these are assessments
                                                                for  each  and  every  day.  Functional  toilet,  availability  of
                                                                drinking  water,  street  lights  etc.,  Whether  these  are  measured
                                                                through  a  random  check  system,  complaints  received  and
                                                                rectified, general opinion in a survey etc., (for e.g. depending on
                                                                whether  it  pertains  to  public  toilet/school  toilet),  different
                                                                methods  for  data  collection  can  be  used.  Here  GPs  can
         These data collection systems can either be in the form of hard
                                                                introduce  innovative  methods,  that  could  become  models  to
         copies of forms or digitized formats in the shape of a  mobile
         application  or  web  portal..  To  ensure  ease  in  data  collection
         process, all data points pertaining to the PDI framework shall be   Value for Data Collection
         classified based on their parent or Source agency. In case the   Data collection is not to be treated as an exercise to be done
         data  collector  or  field  level  official  prefers  to  opt  for  digital   for free by the Gram Panchayat. It
         media of data capturing, necessary information may be recorded   is  not  possible  ,  nor  fair,  to  expect
         through  a  Graphic  User  Interface  (GUI)  based  mobile   that data to be collected at GP level
         application designed for handheld devices such as smartphones   will be done for free by the youth in
         and  tablets.  With  the  added  advantage  of  portability  of  a   the  village/SHG/any  others.  Value
         handheld  device,  supporting  of  asset-based  information,  for   for data collection and involvement
         example  in  indicators  like  infrastructure,  geo-tagging  and   in the process, access of data to the
         images can be uploaded.                                GP,  and  utilising  it  for  the  various
                                                                purposes  leading  to  achieving  the  set  targets,  would  be  taken
         Data collection reference period is to be considered   more seriously and done regularly with payment. Systemically,
         in some indicators also in a continuous manner as      Data  Entry  Operators  are  paid  under  various  schemes,  SHGs
            these are assessments for each and every day        collecting data under MA and for VPRP also are paid. Survey

                    introduce innovative methods

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