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standardized under PDI, MoPR may consider how to draw data
         for NPA from LIF-PDI, as the Indicators of NPA and LIF for

         PDI have both overlap and differences.
         Data validation mechanisms should be based on what suits best
         for  that  kind  of  data.  Where  additional  data  from  the  same
         source used by the Ministry is to be picked up for the LIF, the
         same validation mechanism already existing can be used. So, if
         indicators  are  included  in  MA,  the  MA  data  validation
         mechanism will take care of them. Where it is only GP and no
         links  to  existing  portals,  or  data  source,  the  system  like  the
         Bangla  Paira  Baithk  can  be  used,  or  such  other  suitable
         mechanism, that validates and ensures data quality.

         Till such time as the APIs are through, once the data is entered   troubles with the data collection mechanism. Once the physical
         by  field  level  data  collectors,  the  entire  process  of  data   forms are validated as decided, data entry shall be done in the
         validation needs to be performed digitally with a legally valid   eGramSwaraj  portal.  To  render  additional  credibility  to  the
         Digital  Signature  Certificate  (DSC)  or  other  secure   institution of PDI, the system may be designed to mandate the
         authentication mechanisms from the data custodian in the first   user to upload signed and stamped copies of physical forms as
         instance which effectively certifies correctness of data entered,   supporting  document  at  the  time  of  data  entry.  This  measure
         and then goes for data validation.                     will  also  aid  officials  at  various  levels,  including  the  Central
         In case the choice is for physical data collection forms, the data   Government, to check data in case any discrepancy is observed
         collector    must  have  all  the  forms  duly  signed,  stamped  and   or even as random, sample-based data quality check. Wherever
         authorized from the  concerned data custodian.  For data points   relevant, geo tagging of an asset can also be considered to make
         which are available across various agencies, such as Number of   the  entire  data  collection  process  robust  e.g.:  Whether  the
         Households  in  a  Gram  Panchayat,  the  data  collector  can   Anganwadi  has  a  Nutrition  Garden  or  not  and  Whether  the
         compare  information  available  across  agencies  and  bring  the   Health Sub Centre has  boundary wall and gate or not, ramp in
         discrepancy, if any, to notice . However, it must be decided as   School  etc.  Wherever,  this  is  already  available  in  the  Data
         to which source is to be used when such multiple sources are   portals  of  different  Ministries,  these  can  be  part  of  the  data
         there and this must be applicable across all GPs, and given in   sharing. MoPR already has set up Gram Manchitra for capturing
         the  instructions  for  Data  collection.  Before  data  is  uploaded,   the  various  infrastructure  and  assets  of  the  GP.  Just  as  data
         Data  Validation  by  the  identified  official  /  Panchayat   sharing of numbers is done, the visual data of geotagged assets
         committee/ group of persons in   the Gram Panchayat/ Ward or   and GIS maps of different schemes needs to be shared.
         area-based  meeting,  to  ensure  additional  checks  and  balances   To  Decentralize  and  compartmentalize  this  entire  process  of
         along with comprehensive inclusion of all critical stakeholders,   data  validation,  and  to  ensure  that  the  quality  of  field  data  is
         can be suitably built. Such a sound validation process will lend   maintained  at  the  highest  levels  possible,  following  indicative
         due  credibility  to  the  entire  data  collection  process  and  the
                                                                measures can be adopted:
         institution  of  PDI.  Further,  these  forms  will  also  become  the
         data  documents  of  that  particular  Gram  Panchayat.     Basic  Data  Entry  Level  Validation:  To  ensure  end-to-end
         Additionally, such an approach will also help in fine tuning the   digitization of the entire PDI computation process, the field
         entire  data  collection    system  and  addressal  of  any  teething   level  data  collector,  who  will  facilitate  collection  of  data

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