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from all the relevant establishments and line agencies, can   leveraging on existing systems and following the same for
            be  provided  with  a  data  entry  interface,  wherein,  data   additional  related  data  points  in  the  realm  of  the  various
            collected from various sources can be recorded. To ensure   respective line agencies. Such data from Gram Panchayat is
            that  human  error  is  minimized  during  data  entry,  basic   and may hence be verified by block, district and ultimately
            system  level  checks  can  be  hard  wired  into  the  system,   the  State  level  officials  of  the  concerned  line  agency  to
            right  from  the  start,  to  ensure  that  the  desired  nature  of   ensure  that  the  information  is  correct.  In  case  any
            values  match  with  the  values  fed  to  the  system  by  the   discrepancies are observed at any level, the user can send
            operator. For example, for data points requiring a response   the  data  back  to  the  preceding  level,  with  specific
            as Yes or No, the user can be allowed to select either of the   comments, to ensure correction in data is made. The system
            two  options  only,  and  not  enter  any  numeric  value.  Such   may be designed in such a manner that it will notify users
            measures will ensure that the data obtained is clean and can   at all levels about new comments and pending approvals.
            be  processed  without  any  major  manual  intervention.
                                                                  External and Peer validation: Especially  when assessment
            Further,  the  system  can  also  be  enabled  to  automatically
                                                                    is  made  for  incremental  progress,  awards,  special
            identify  the  degree  of  completion  of  data  entry  at  source
                                                                    initiatives, high performing GPs, additionally, there can be
            level  to  ensure  that  the  data  entry  is  complete.  Upon
                                                                    a  presentation  of  progress  by  the  GP  in  public  forum  at
            completion,  this  data  can  be  pushed  to  the  next  approval
                                                                    block  level  as  well  as,  field  level  checks  to  ensure  data
                                                                    reported is correct. This ideally should include officials and
           Domain  Level  Validations:  While  Data  entry  level   peers from GPs and may move on to include Institutions.
            validations minimize human error, domain level validations
            ensure  that  the  data  entered  is  correct  as  per  sectoral   Survey design parameters such as reference period
            parameters  as  well.  For  example,  Total  Cultivable  Area,   and sample size needs to be factored in in the
            one of the indicators considered as part of PDI, cannot be   design and data collection process
            more  that  the  total  area  of  the  Gram  Panchayat.  Further,
                                                                While  such  system  driven  checks  and  balances  can  be  put  in
            line  agencies  can  share  their  inputs,  based  on  their
                                                                place to ensure that the data collected is properly validated and
            historical  data  and  experience,  about  maximum  and
                                                                free  of  any  error  at  the  source  itself,  all  necessary  statistical
            minimum range of indicators and constituting data points,
                                                                adjustments  should  be  made  for  different  data  collection
            to ensure that the user is highlighted regarding any outlying
                                                                methodologies  followed  by  line  agencies.  Survey  design
            value right at the data entry stage.
                                                                parameters such as reference period and sample size are few of
           Gram Panchayat Level Validation: Data for PDI will need   such factors which may be different from agency to agency and
            to  be  collected  from  many  institutions  such  as  Hospitals,   may  not  make  the  data  comparable  as  it  is.  This  needs  to  be
            Schools  and  Police  Stations,  to  name  a  few,  located  in  a   factored  in  in  the  design  and  data  collection  process  and
            village, block, etc. The data would need to be aggregated,   instructions must be clear and understood.
            sorted,  via  ICT  system,  and  presented  to  the  laid  down   The data system in eGramSwaraj can be used to detect whether
            validating agency for validation                    all the validations are provided and once validated, the data can

           Official  Level  Validation:  In  case  of  certain  data  points   be  processed  at  the  back  end  for  transfer  for  use  for  relevant
            collected,  the  layer  of  verification  may  be  done  at  the   calculations  and  scoring  of  Gram  Panchayats  and  PDI.  Only
            official level. Where data collected is being considered in a   when the system registers all the necessary data collection and
            hierarchical  manner  at  various  layers  of  administration   validation approvals, the analytical engine will ingest the data
            within the department, as per current operating procedures,   for indicator and index value calculation.

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